Weekend Upcyling Workshop

Weekend Upcycling Workshop is a yearly program of independent workshops targets to inspire all social groups to rethink about waste and social gap from a variety of perspectives. Through sharing of expertise and collaborative exploration between families in need and professionals, WUW hopes to bridge the social gap and nurture a sustainable lifestyle in Hong Kong communities.

[升級周末坊] 將會舉辦一連串不同主題的工作坊, 以創意角度思索和探討 [廢物]和[社會階層差距]。透過工作坊的互動機會,我們希望不同行業的專業人士能去多了解弱勢社群的需要,傳授自身的知識去幫助他們。我們也相信 [升級周末坊] 當中的環保小智慧能啟發所有階層的人士去珍惜資源,推動可持續發展的生活態度,共同創造一個升級新生活。

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