Chopsticks (Connoisseur Organic)

Online health food shop with eco-friendly home products, organic groceries and green beauty products. They stock a wide range of Bella Sapone eco-friendly cleaning products, locally made Conoisseur organic soya milk, a good selection of organic dried Chinese mushrooms, multiple organic rice & noodle varieties and many organic Asian condiments like miso chili sauce, vegetarian oyster sauce, fermented bean curd, fermented black soybeans, soya sauce, seaweed paste, miso paste and more.

出售環保家居用品、有機食品雜貨和綠色美容產品的網上健康食品店,有提供多種Bella Sapone環保清潔用品、本地製的Conoisseur有機豆奶、一系列有機冬菇、有機米、有機麫食和有機亞洲調味料(包括素食蠔油、腐乳、豆豉、豉油、麻醬和味噌醬等)。

Unit B, 11/F, William Enterprises Industrial Building, 23-25 Ng Fong Street
+852 3421 1455