Encompass HK

Encompass HK is a social enterprise that offers training and consultancy services to educate and support organizations to be more diversified and inclusive, and meeting global standards on Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). Encompass HK serves the community by supporting a variety of social causes and NGOs through a collaborative model when delivering SDG programs. We commit to reinvesting at least 60% of the net profits made to achieve our social mission.

Encompass HK 為企業提供培訓和顧問服務,幫助企業實踐多元共融 (D&I) 的工作環境,協助機構達到有關的可持續發展目標 (SDGs) 等國際標準。我們為企業、機構和學校度身設計各種方案,活動包括體驗式學習工作坊及戲劇工作坊等,以推動性別平等及可持續發展的目標。

20/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road
+852 3686 0790