Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Green Queen Hong Kong is committed to manage your personal and/or company data with the utmost care and respect for your privacy. We will make use of your personal and/or company data solely for the purposes of contacting you regarding our services, for marketing purposes and to enable you to make use of our services efficiently and securely. Every communication email that you are sent will include the option to unsubscribe should you want to do so. Green Queen Hong Kong maintains any personal and/or company data in full confidentiality.
Green Queen Hong Kong will not share or sell your personal and/or company data with any organizations, individuals or third parties, unless required to do so by Hong Kong S.A.R. law. Green Queen Hong Kong ill not benefit from or use your personal and/or company data in any other way other than to conduct its stated services. Green Queen Hong Kong cannot be held responsible for the loss or misuse of any personal and/or company data which is accessed by unauthorized persons due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control.
Green Queen Hong Kong is fully compliant with the Hong Kong S.A.R. Data Protection Ordinance.
You can contact us at anytime at should you wish to discuss our privacy policy or know more about how we make use of your personal and/or company data.