Beyond Meat HK

Beyond Meat US-based company that makes a whole range of vegan plant-based protein options including a Beyond Chicken and a Beyond Beef series. They are distributed in Hong Kong by Green Monday and retail at select CitySuper stores and Green Common Concept Store. Update July 2015: no longer available at CitySuper.

出售Beyond Meat (以植物製成的肉類代替品) 的美國公司,製造各種純素植物蛋白質產品包括Beyond Chicken(雞肉代替品)和Beyond Beef (牛肉代替品),其產品經"綠色星期一"分銷至香港各區,並於部份CitySuper分店和Green Common Concept Store有售。

28/F, One Kowloon, 1 Wang Yuen Street
+852 2263 3159