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Ecocert Eggs Hong Kong

Hong Kong distributor of Ecocert eggs. 



Room E2, Block E, 7/F, Wong King Ind Bldg, 2 Tai Yau Street
+852 3907 8279
Ecogine Search Engine

Ecogine.org is an ecological search engine that 100% carbon neutral and donates money to ecological charities around the world.


Phone not listed
Ecopoint Asia

Ecopoint Asia is a website dedicated to serving sustainability professionals, leaders and businesses across Asia. They have a directory of professional services all with a commitment to sustainability.

Unit 9B, Amtel Building,

148 Des Voeux Road Central
+852 8124 5771
Ecosol Hong Kong

Ecosol’s vocation is to manage environmentally friendly projects in Hong Kong and China. Ecosol also provides carbon footprint reduction programs, consulting services and published the Going Green Hong Kong books in 2007 and 2009.


Unit 201, Kai Wong Building, 224-226 Queen's Road Central
+852 2815 1184

Online green news site with reporting from across Asia and a focus on corporate environmental issues and luxury sustainable living. They also publish a bi-yearly print version. Started by the founders of HK Cleanup (Ecovision).



Phone not listed

Ekowarehouse is the world's first Global B2B eMarketplace for certified green/organic/fair trade/ecolabel products & materials, connecting buyers and suppliers across the supply chain from farmers, producers and manufacturers to wholesalers, retailers and brand creators.

Ekowarehouse是全球首個國際B2B(公司對公司)的網上買賣市場,專門針對有認可證明的綠色 / 有機 / 公平貿易 / 有環保標籤的產品和物料,同時聯繫買賣家和供應鏈,當中包括農夫、生產商、製造商、批發商、零售商和商標創作者。


Phone not listed

En-trak makes energy management and lighting control simple for buildings of any types including schools, retail, and offices.
En-trak 是得獎無數的環保智能管理公司。我們設計和銷售雲端解決方案,並協助企業用戶管理並優化其耗能。

Toi Shan Association Building, 167-169 Hennessy Rd
+852 2311 2488
Encompass HK

Encompass HK is a social enterprise that offers training and consultancy services to educate and support organizations to be more diversified and inclusive, and meeting global standards on Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). Encompass HK serves the community by supporting a variety of social causes and NGOs through a collaborative model when delivering SDG programs. We commit to reinvesting at least 60% of the net profits made to achieve our social mission.

Encompass HK 為企業提供培訓和顧問服務,幫助企業實踐多元共融 (D&I) 的工作環境,協助機構達到有關的可持續發展目標 (SDGs) 等國際標準。我們為企業、機構和學校度身設計各種方案,活動包括體驗式學習工作坊及戲劇工作坊等,以推動性別平等及可持續發展的目標。

20/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road
+852 3686 0790