Allergy/Intolerance & DNA Testing
Aromatherapy Resources
Ayurvedic Resources
Detox Programs
Holistic Health Centres
Juice Cleanses
Travel (Spas/Retreats)
8 drops aromatherapy offers a range of services including aromatherapy massage, consultation & blending, aromatherapy shop (organic essential oils, vegetable oils and floral waters imported from France), aromatherapy workshops and baby massage classes.
Detox and yoga spa retreat in Koh Samui.
It is a Hong Kong based Music Therapy for individual or group services, with specialty in Focused Music Imagery, GIM, expressive arts with specialty in FOAT, as well as providing Parent Infant Massage Instructors program.
我們主要的目的是在香港, 推廣全人身心靈健康,採用音樂治療/想像, 表達藝術治療, 及國際嬰兒按床摩 等
Acti-Tape is Hong Kong's very own non-medicated sports tape, made for everyone from professional athletes to amateur runners. The tape is flexible and breathable, it also helps with pain relief and joint/muscle stabilization. It is the perfect replacement for any joint guards. It also naturally promotes healing by promoting blood flow.
Acti-Tape 活力肌腱貼用途廣泛應用至保護肌肉關節以預防受傷,減輕腫脹,減輕痛楚及促進傷患康復等用途。透過獨特的施貼方法,活力肌腱貼有助促進身體自然康復機能,同時亦能支撐及穩定肌肉與關節,其高度伸縮性,用者於貼後仍能進行全方位的活動,運動時更靈活自如,讓運動員發揮得更淋漓盡致。
Albert Place Practice, a Hong Kong Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Clinic provides high quality painless acupuncture treatment by a team of well experienced female and male Chinese medicine practitioners. We give you effective treatment for different chronic and acute health complaint like chronic pain, low back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, neck pain, sciatica, acne, skin problems, allergies, headaches, depression, anxiety, sleeping disorders, infertility and sexual dysfunction. Acupuncture for IVF, facial cosmetic and anti aging purpose are also our main focus. We also provide food intolerance test and DNA test for personalised nutritional requirement.
Alive Wellness is a health therapy studio offering tailored meditation programs, past life regression, Kirtan, acupuncture and BioGenesis healing.
All About You is a spaciously warm wellness centre with convenient and comfortable state of the art facilities. The space spans 1, 200 sq.ft. in the heart of Sheung Wan and features two designer consultation rooms and a multifunctional training room. The Centre specializes in hosting individual consultations, workshops, and practitioner training programs in the categories of ABC, namely appearance, beliefs & communication. All About You has resident & visiting practitioners providing services on holistic nutrition, healing, reiki, psychic reading, image consulting, coaching, with a special emphasis on hypnotherapy.
Organic, eco-friendly luxury Ayurvedic spa & wellness retreat in the Himalayan hills.