zz MISS BAOBAE (Closed)

Miss Baobae is an online e-commerce store of curated, emerging beauty brands and innovations from all around the world. Brands ranging from Hong Kong’s own Molly cosmetics and Body Awakening to international brands like Ilia, Erbiviva, MooGoo, and aromatica, Esse plus many more.

全新一站式有機美容平台 - 引入世界各地人氣有機化妝護膚潮流和新概念
我們引入來自世界各地各種獨特和令人喜出望外的新進美容品牌和美容新概念。 品牌選擇方面,除了香港本土的Molly Cosmetic和Body Awakening,以至國際品牌如Ilia、Erbiviva、MooGoo、aromatica和Esse 等等。

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