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Youni Mong Kok

Youni is the F&B partner company of Goji Studios and Younibody. They offer healthy meal options including salads, sandwiches, snacks and desserts with low carb and low fat options. They also offer meal plans based on your fitness and health goals. Their menu is available for pick up or delivery.

5/F-6/F, Grand Plaza, 625 & 639 Nathan Road
Phone not listed
Youni Tsim Sha Tsui

Youni is the F&B partner company of Goji Studios and Younibody. They offer healthy meal options including salads, sandwiches, snacks and desserts with low carb and low fat options. They also offer meal plans based on your fitness and health goals. Their menu is available for pick up or delivery.

9/F-11/F, The One, 100 Nathan Road
Phone not listed