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Local hydroponic salad lettuce grower and delivery service with varieties such as arugala, mustard mizuna, romaine and and mixed leave options. Order online on their web shop.

本地水耕沙津生菜生產商和送貨服務,包括芝麻菜 (arugala)、芥末水菜 (mustard mizuna)、蘿蔓(romaine)和混合選擇。可於其網上商店選購。

230B,Sheung Pak Nai Tsuen
+852 3543 0688
VF Innovations

VF Innovations (VFi) is a hydroponic farm in Yuen Long that focuses on hydroponic innovation, especially the water filtration process. They grow a selection of over 20 products including many types of salad leaves. Their produce can be found at Jasons, ThreeSixty, and Yata.



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