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We provide high quality natural and organic products, including organic fruits and vegetables, organic tea, honey and chemical free body care product etc. All our products are sold through our testing and to ensure that all products are produced by the high-quality materials.

Our organic farms are IFOAM certified and managed by the expert team in agriculture field from Japan, Taiwan and China. Our expert guidance includes seed development, seedling, large area growth management, pest control and organic fertilizer management. Since the seed quality and the management of seedling is highly affect the result of the growth of agricultural products, we will strictly screen for the quality seed suppliers together with the technical support from our expert team to ensure the quality of our fruits and vegetables are in the best quality.


+852 6886 2536

We strive to delivery the freshest locally-farmed produce to you in the most convenient way.

+852 2969 7932
Organic Express Unlimited

Online organic produce selection delivery from Malaysia.


Unit 2B, Tin Fung Industrial Mansion, 63 Wong Chuk Hang Road
+852 2873 0720
Organic Life (Grocer)

Organic groceries including organic produce.



G/F., 74-82 Wharf Road, Yen Po Court
+852 2570 0068
Organic Town Pokfulam

Established in 2006, Organic Town (previously Botree Ltd) is the original organic grocery in Hong Kong with shop locations in Pokfulam and Kwun Tong. We offer free, next-day delivery to HK, Kowloon, and N.T for orders between $200-500 depending on location. We source organic vegetables and fruits from a variety of local farms as well as imported produce. Contact us on Whatsapp to be added to our weekly messages or set up a recurring in-season delivery.

Shop 311, Chi Fu Landmark
+852 9700 7039
Ratatouille HK

Fresh, healthy, and tasty vegetables direct from organic and sustainable farms in Thailand. Delivery is once a week on Thursday and order has to be placed before Monday 1:00PM. Each box delivery is very flexible and you can select vegetables you prefer based on seasonal availability.


+852 6110 1538
The Hummingfish Foundation

The Hummingfish Foundation is a Hong Kong based registered charity that is devoted to promoting eco conservation by championing ecotourism around Asia Pacific. The Foundation partners with rural communities to help them brand and promote their indigenous and sustainable assets to the global community.



The Hummingfish Foundation
2310 Dominion Centre,
43-59 Queen’s Road East
Phone not listed
Vegetable Marketing Organization (VMO)

The VMO is a Hong Kong non profit that works to assist the local wholesale vegetable industry; they provide testing, certification and farming consultation services. They also supply consumers and businesses with reasonably-priced local organic produce and hydroponic produce. Consumers can order directly by downloading their iOS/Android app available on their websites.



757 Lai Chi Kok Road
+852 2387 4164