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Kristine Im Ooi Pilates

At Kristine Im Ooi Pilates, you will be given a personalised workout designed to meet your specific needs, body type and fitness level. Our exercises are taught on the mat as well as using a system of apparatuses to ensure a total body workout that is both effective and challenging.

Our studio is open for privates and group sessions 5 days a week from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Prior appointment is necessary.

Our clients include fitness enthusiasts, fitness professionals, dancers, business executives, Pilates practitioners, kids above 13 years of age as well as seniors. Corporate group sessions are also conducted on a regular basis for corporate professionals.

For more information, updates and offers please follow us on Facebook or drop us a note.

KIO Pilates is situated on Conduit Road, 10 minutes walk away from the Mid-Levels escalator. It is also reachable by minibuses no. 3 and 45.

Conduit Road
+852 9221 0121
Live On Sports and Fitness

Live On Sports and Fitness is a fitness studio offering bootcamp, pilates, Salsa and Power Yoga classes.

5th Floor, Azura Building, 2A Seymour Road
+852 6388 2488
Mandarin Oriental Wellness Central

Mandarin Oriental Wellness Central is a fitness studio offering yoga, pilates and fitness classes.

+852 2132 0011
Mindful Pilates

A Pilates studio in the heart of Central dedicated to spreading the Body Control Pilates method to the Hong Kong community.

8/F On Lan Center, 11-15 On Lan Street
+852 6620 7050
movement improvement

Movement improvement is a fitness studio offering pilates, yoga, Spinning, Zumba and TRX classes.

Unit 10, 1st Floor, Office Block 2, 96 Siena Avenue DB Plaza North
+852 2987 5852
My Space Fitness Studio

My Space Fitness Studio is a fitness studio offering Hatha Yoga, Fly Yoga, Yin Yoga, Pilates and Thai Boxing classes.

Prince Commercial Building, 150-152 Prince Edward Rd W, Unit 1403
+852 2336 6005
Nana Gym – Women Only

Nana Gym is a fitness studio offering pilates and TRX classes.

3/F, Harvard Commercial Building , 105-111 Thomson Road
+852 2656 3100
One Pilates Studio

One Pilates Studio offers pilates classes.

12/F Shiu Fung Hong Building, 239-241 Wing Lok Street
+852 2147 3318