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R C Cafe

Vegetarian restaurant open for lunch every day and dinners a few nights a week.

Room 6, 13/F, New City Centre, 2 Lei Yue Mun Road
+852 5512 4404

Rawsoever is a raw vegan cafe. They also have a grocery section selling raw vegan food and eco-friendly products.

Flat A, G/F, 18E Tai Yuen Village, Yung Shue Wan
+852 6136 1066
Sangeetha Vegetarian Restaurant

South Indian vegetarian restaurant open daily for lunch dinner. First outpost in Hong Kong from the Chennai chain.

Shops 1-5 & 31, Upper Ground Floor, Wing On Plaza, 62 Mody Road
+852 2640 2123
Saravanaa Bhavan

Indian vegetarian restaurant chain, originally from India, serving South Indian food.

4F, Ashley Centre,

23-25 Ashley Road
+852 2736 1127

Vegetarian and vegan cafe, open for lunch only.


3/F, 6 Gilman's Bazaar
+852 9473 3412
Sooo Vegi North Point

Boutique vegetarian restaurant (less than 10 seats) with a menu of Western and Asian dishes including wraps and curries.

Shop A6, Wah Hoi Mansion, 254-280 Electric Road
+852 2881 7996
Sooo Vegi Wan Chai

Boutique vegetarian restaurant (less than 10 seats) with a menu of Western and Asian dishes including wraps and curries.

Shop A, G/F, 1-19 McGregor Street
+852 2866 6812
Thai Vegetarian Food

Vegetarian Thai food.


G/F, 28 Nam Kok Road
+852 6153 7421