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PhatRice is a Hong Kong-based e-commerce platform that curates and sells sustainably designed and made products: products for social good, products for environmental good and products with exceptional design creativity. Their products include apparel, accessories, gifts and homewares and feature local brands like Bez & Oho, MKU Originals and Emi & Eve.

出售可持續設計和製造的產品,旨於有利社會和環境,同時不失獨特創新的設計,亦有出售本地品牌產品如Bez & Oho 、MKU Originals 和Emi & Eve 。

Unit B, 23/F, 202 Des Voeux Rd. West
Phone not listed
Plastic-Free HK

Plastic-Free HK sells sustainably-designed, ecologically crafted products, that encourage sustainable living and the reduction of waste.

Phone not listed

Seed is a bulk and zero waste concept grocery store in Sai Kung offering pantry foods, household cleaning products and personal care & beauty items in bulk. They encourage you to bring your own container to shop packaging free, they also stock various glass containers if you need. They also stock popular plastic-free brands and products like beeswax wraps, Fair Squared vegan condoms, Humble Brush bamboo toothbrushes, Ecoffee cups, collapsible cups, metal straws, locally made soaps and Dr Bronner's castile soap.

29 Yee Kuk Street
+852 5703 2223