Bye ‘Millennial’ Pink! Green Is The New Colour Of The Year Says Vogue

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According to designers all over the world, it’s time for millennial pink to step aside and make way for green to take over the new decade. At a time when we are feeling more disconnected from nature than ever before and when climate consciousness is reaching new heights, more of us will be attracted to the soothing hue to remind us of the natural environment. 

In a survey conducted by lifestyle and furniture marketplace 1stdibs, which involved over 50,000 designers around the world, green will be the most in-demand colour this year. The much-lauded interior designers Martyn Lawrence Bullard and Robin Standefer both touted the hue to Vogue as the 2020 trend to look out for in the world of design, whether it is in fashion or decor. 

Yes, colours often go in and out of style. Millennial pinks and pastel blue jumped in popularity in recent years, for example. But it’s time for the new decade to bring in the green obsession, driven by our disconnect from our natural world and our rising awareness about the need to protect our planet. 

The climate crisis has occupied headlines, from horrific disasters such as the Australian wildfires to the student-led global climate strikes demanding action from big corporations and governments. Conscious of the ecological impact of their everyday consumption choices, more people are reducing their footprint by eating plant-based food, avoiding air travel, offsetting their emissions and buying sustainable products. And with eco-anxiety and nature-deficit disorder on the rise, our desire to conservation and return to nature has never been more prominent. 

All of these trends combined, according to the world’s design forecasters, is what will draw all of us to green – the soothing colour of wildlife, grass, trees, flora and fauna. “Green connects us to nature and signifies fresh energy and growth – true luxury in this day and age,” said editorial director of 1stdibs Anthony Barzilay Freund. 

Speaking to Vogue, Standefer agreed and said: “We have an intense curiosity for in-between colours and exploring the contradictions of green – it can be once harmonising and fresh, [yet] wild and unpredictable.” So we can expect to see green take over our homes, from dark velvety green furnishings to vibrant potted plants. 

This isn’t the first time that trends will be dictated by sustainability. According to top fashion trendsetter Lidewij Edelkoort – whose past clients include Prada, Zara and Coca-Cola – the future of the industry will be all about becoming eco-friendly. If fashion houses don’t begin greening their operations, they will risk becoming irrelevant and will fail to retain customers. 

The daily stressors from urban living, crowded streets and lack of green spaces won’t just bring in the colour green into our homes, it’ll also bring us out to the greener world. After many years of fitness trends staying inside, the Green Queen 2020 Trend Report forecasts that fitness enthusiasts in the new decade are looking for more meaning from their workout and will be forging a deeper connection back in nature

Want to know more trends for 2020? Read all of Green Queen’s predictions, from health and wellness to food tech and fashion here.  

Lead image courtesy of Transterior.


  • Sally Ho

    Sally Ho is Green Queen's former resident writer and lead reporter. Passionate about the environment, social issues and health, she is always looking into the latest climate stories in Hong Kong and beyond. A long-time vegan, she also hopes to promote healthy and plant-based lifestyle choices in Asia. Sally has a background in Politics and International Relations from her studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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