Dr Manisha Lakhekar Homeocare Homeopathy

Dr Manisha Lakhekar B.H.M.S., P.G. Hom has been practicing Homeopathy since 9 years. She is now based in Hong Kong and practices in Hong Kong. She is an ardent follower of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann’s principles and treats patients using Classical Homeopathy approach. She has patients from different parts of the world. Over the years she has conducted seminars and workshops for the practitioners and the students in Hong Kong. She is also Co-Director at HK Academy for Homeopathy where there are many courses taught and major one being the 1 Year Essential Course. This course provides a solid foundation in the principles of classical homeopathy as laid down by Dr Samuel Hahnemann and the old masters. It’s probably the first of its kind in Hong Kong with great emphasis on the philosophy of Hahnemann and method of Boenninghausen, so that students can learn how to use the tools of Materia Materia and Repertories.

Dr Manisha presents a modern and scientific face of homeopathy with a strong foundation of classical approach based natural and holistic healing. She is actively promoting Homeopathy in Hong Kong and has already conducted various awareness seminars to educate people about Homeopathy, and its benefits and how it can help lead a healthier life among the people. She is devoted to homeopathy in the areas of education, practice, promotion and research. She is working with a sole aim to bring homeopathy closer to everyone in need and also to increase the access to Homeopathy by advancing the use and practice of homeopathy.

Unit B & D, 17th Floor, Hart House, 12-14, Hart Avenue
+852 6464 3584