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PEEK Concepts

Line of monitoring devices. including PEEKair Air Quality Monitor, which measures PM 2.5 levels and the TDS Water Quality Tester, which measures total dissolved solids.


+852 9302 8179
Permaculture Institute

Charity dedicated to promoting permaculture in Hong Kong through community activities and programs.

Phone not listed
Plastic-Free HK

Plastic-Free HK sells sustainably-designed, ecologically crafted products, that encourage sustainable living and the reduction of waste.

Phone not listed
Pluvial Plus

Distributor of the Pluvial countertop, dispenser and stick water filtration systems.





Phone not listed
Produce Green Foundation

Local non-profit dedicated to promoting organic farming and eating in Hong Kong. They offer community activities and organic farming programs & workshops, eco tourism activities and slow food festivals.

No. 18, Hok Tau Tsuen
+852 2674 1190

Supplies, installs and maintains residential and commercial-grade water filtration systems.

+852 9013 2338
Shop focusing on handmade, eco-friendly and artisanal homeware items from around the world. They stock a variety of tableware items, linens, and eco-friendly kitchen items such as reusable kitchen wrap, soy candles, and reclaimed wood cheese boards. Pyaar also stocks furniture including handmade leather chairs, stools, and wooden benches. 
10th floor, Nam Hing Fong, 39 Yiu Wa Street
+852 2388 6949
Quatorze Juillet HK

Vintage and antique furniture from Europe with a French focus.



2F, 189 Queen’s Road Central
+852 9227 2359