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reBooked Preloved Children’s Books

reBooked is a Hong Kong-based business that aims to help families reuse pre-loved children's books. We collect second-hand books from families, providing a convenient service that encourages the reusing of books. We then sell these books on our online bookstore at very discounted prices.

Phone Not Listed
Renaud Air Purifiers

Asia distributor of Alen air purifiers.


4/F, Yat Fat Building, 44-46 Des Voeux Road Central
+852 5804 4760

Wholesale and retail line of eco-friendly cleaning products including laundry powder, fruit & vegetable wash, pet cleaning powders and bath soaks; certified by Hong Kong Green Label. Order online.


Flat 701, 7/F, Startex Industrial Building, 14 Tai Yau Street
+852 2375 6767
Repel Well

Eco-friendly and child-safe fabric protection spray- can be used on clothing, shoes, handbags and more. Order on their e-commerce site.

+852 6888 5044

Online shop selling a range of organic cleaning products including organic multi-purpose cleaner, organic glass cleaner, organic odor removers, and organic nursery cleaner. Brand is based in Australia but shipping is free to Hong Kong for orders over AUD$55.


+04 1631 4072
Rooftop Republic Urban Farming

Company working to promote urban farming in Hong Kong. They offer both urban farm installations, which includes an assessment as well as organic seedlings and supplies, and farming workshops led by organic farmers.


Phone not listed
SC Lifestyle

Ecommerce shop featuring a variety of products including Sun King solar lamps, made by Greenlight Planet.

電子貿易商店,出售由Greenlight Planet製造的Sun King太陽燈和其他一系列產品。

Phone not listed

Seed is a bulk and zero waste concept grocery store in Sai Kung offering pantry foods, household cleaning products and personal care & beauty items in bulk. They encourage you to bring your own container to shop packaging free, they also stock various glass containers if you need. They also stock popular plastic-free brands and products like beeswax wraps, Fair Squared vegan condoms, Humble Brush bamboo toothbrushes, Ecoffee cups, collapsible cups, metal straws, locally made soaps and Dr Bronner's castile soap.

29 Yee Kuk Street
+852 5703 2223