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Breganwood Organics

Breganwood Organics provides a wide range of home and infant/childcare products, ranging from home garments to clothing articles.

Number not listed
Butterfly Dreams

Non-toxic luxury bed linen manufactured sustainably.


Phone not listed

Online shop selling washing powder made from tea seeds, as well as natural sponges.


+852 9544 4843
CK Bed

Online selection of natural fiber bedding, pillows and mattresses at wholesale prices. Includes certified chemical free fabrics, natural latex and charcoal options.


+852 2429 9397

Online brand of ethically and sustainably sourced candles and diffusers in recycled paper packaging from Vietnam.


+852 8170 0459
Deep Blue Straws

Deep Blue Straws was founded by Jonny and Tom Warner in 2018; a vision from two brothers who wanted to make a difference to our world's oceans. Our aim is to partner with individuals and businesses alike who share our values and passion for driving sustainable change, no matter how big or small that might be. In light of the plastic crisis that the world currently finds itself in, we have created a range of straws that support our drive towards shifting consumers’ attitudes and behaviours away from plastic, towards ocean and environmentally friendly alternatives.

We offer Paper, Metal and Bamboo straws to both customers and businesses, so whatever you require we are confident we can help you on your journey as we fight to protect the world's oceans.

Phone Not Listed

Online shop featuring a large selection of microfibre cleaning and home cloth products such as screen cleaners, glass cleaners, dusters, mops, and cleaning cloths as well as pet products, face products, and towels. The cloths are antibacterial and clean using only water. 



+852 8100 7878

Eartheries, the conscious marketplace, is an online marketplace curating ethical and sustainable products. From lifestyle, home and living, clothes, jewellery, accessories etc they have it all. Its unique search functionality lets you shop based on values; from pastic- free to locally made, from upcycled to fairtrade. A one-stop shop for your favourite conscious brands.

+852 5606 9425