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Eco Concepts Asia

Large range of professional certified green household cleaning products. Can be used for residential and commercial purposes.


Phone not listed
Ecoegg Hong Kong

Now available in Hong Kong, Ecoegg comes from the United Kingdom and produce a range of eco-friendly laundry and household products that contain no harsh chemicals and is kind to your skin. Developed in conjunction with Allergy UK and endorsed by the National Eczema Society, our Fragrance Free Laundry Egg is our flagship product for people who want use natural products either on their own or their children’s skin. We’re thrilled that this product recently won the Prima Pregnancy & Baby Award for Best Baby Skincare Product 2014!

The Laundry Egg is unlike anything on the market. Placed inside your washing machine, the egg-shaped device contains our natural and powerful cleaning pellets which activate in water and is scientifically proven to lift away dirt and grime. Some fragrances are known to be a skin irritant and residue left on clothes from traditional detergent is a contributing factor in aggravating certain skin conditions. Our Laundry Egg leaves 73% less residue so is particularly perfect for a baby’s delicate skin.

10/F, Xiu Ping Commercial Building, 104 Jervois Street
+852 69080501
Ecostore HK

New Zealand natural beauty and personal care brand with the following types of products: dish care, laundry, home care, skin care, hair care, baby care and hand & body wash. Available at large supermarkets and health food shops.


+852 9855 6558

US based brand of environmentally friendly cleaning products and materials.


+852 2713 9998
Flowing River

Handcrafted decorative cushions made from recycled curtain fabric, mostly sold at farmers markets and bazaars.



Phone not listed
Folklore HK

Online shop featuring handmade and artisanal home decor and accessories such as trays, dishes, and candle holders as well as a selection of children's toys. They also stock a selection of handmade jewellery including necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earring.





+852 9751 6539

Gelair™ is the simplest way to stop mould and bacteria that infests your air conditioner.
The patented Gelair™ system delivers the benefits of Australian tea tree oil even in hard to reach areas such as air conditioning systems. Gelair™ uses only the finest Australian tea tree oil, a powerful broad spectrum anti-microbial and anti-fungal agent, capable of killing mould, bacteria (including Legionella) and viruses. Your health is a priority. That's why our environment-friendly, natural product helps prevent health effects such as allergies and respiratory illnesses caused by harmful micro-organisms. Gelair™ has delivered solutions to mold and bacteria build up in buidlings for a decade.

+852 3950 5900

Hong Kong classifieds with great selection of second-hand/used furniture and furnishings.


+852 3726 1500