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Loula Natural

Louis Kane Buckley of Loula Natural is a Naturopath who practices on a freelance basis (she was previously a practionner at The Body Group). She also hosts fermentation classes including ones focusing on kefir and kombucha- in fact she has published a book on the subject. Find out more about Louise and her book here.

來自Loula Natural的Louis Kane Buckley是一位自雇物理治療師,同時開辦發酵課程,集中酸牛奶和紅茶菌,亦有出版相關著作。

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Sour Times Dairy Company

Locally produced handmade slow-culture yoghurt brand with no additives. Available to order online and to buy at Spicebox Organics.


本地自家製酸奶,不含添加劑,於網上商店及Spicebox Organics出售。

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Locally made kombucha brewed with organic raw cane sugar and organic fair trade Chinese teas from Yisheng Organic. Flavors are created using locally sourced cold pressed juices and locally sourced herbs sourced. Available at STACK, various markets around Hong Kong, and online with delivery.


出售本地製的紅茶菌飲品(kombucha),以有機蔗糖和由Yisheng Organic出品的有機中國茶製成,由本地冷壓果汁和香草調味,可於網上商店及各零售地品購買。

Phone not listed
Wunder Kraut

Wunderkraut HK is run by female entrepreneur Sophie Wu and she handcrafts sauerkraut and other fermented goods. She also hosts workshops. Follow her on Instagram for more information.

由女企業家Sophie Wu經營,提供手製酸菜和其他發酵產品,同時亦舉辦工作坊。

+852 5917 7579