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Korea Taekwondo Cheung Do Kwan

Korea Taekwondo Cheung Do Kwan is a fitness offering children and adult Taekwondo classes.

3/F, Concord Commercial Building, 155-157 King's Road
+852 3482 8461
Kristine Im Ooi Pilates

At Kristine Im Ooi Pilates, you will be given a personalised workout designed to meet your specific needs, body type and fitness level. Our exercises are taught on the mat as well as using a system of apparatuses to ensure a total body workout that is both effective and challenging.

Our studio is open for privates and group sessions 5 days a week from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Prior appointment is necessary.

Our clients include fitness enthusiasts, fitness professionals, dancers, business executives, Pilates practitioners, kids above 13 years of age as well as seniors. Corporate group sessions are also conducted on a regular basis for corporate professionals.

For more information, updates and offers please follow us on Facebook or drop us a note.

KIO Pilates is situated on Conduit Road, 10 minutes walk away from the Mid-Levels escalator. It is also reachable by minibuses no. 3 and 45.

Conduit Road
+852 9221 0121
Kuma Dojo @ Studio Infiniti

Kuma Dojo @ Studio Infiniti is a fitness studio offering Kodokan Judo classes.

Studio Infiniti, UG37, Kwan Yick Building Phase 1, 430-440A Des Voeux Road West
+852 6892 4124
Kurt Thiele Personal Training & Muay Thai

A Canadian from Vancouver originally, I've spent the last 5 year of my life living and traveling in Asia while pursuing martial arts. I am an ACE certified Personal Trainer on Hong Kong Island focused on meeting your fitness goals with specially created sessions that includes muay thai and kick boxing. Sessions take place in Central and Sheung Wan.

+852 6641 5463
Lemon Drop Studio

Yoga Studio in Kennedy Town.

Shop 2, 37B Cadogan Street
+852 6769 3436

It is our mission to efficiently develop our tennis players into outstanding athletes and continue to approach our job with passion and commitment. Regardless of the player's age, level or ability it is our challenge to push their limits and guide them to become the best players they can be!  All we require is 100% effort and a great attitude!

Bowen Road
+852 6799 7844
Life Fitness And Stretching

Life Fitness And Stretching is a yoga studio offering Aerial Yoga, Detox Yoga, Flow Yoga and Hot Yoga Stretch classes.

19/F, Honest Building, 9-11 Leighton Road
+852 2612 1482
Little Yogis

Little Yogis offers yoga, mindfulness and healthy eating classes for children aged one to twelve years old. The classes are designed to equip kids with relaxation and breathing skills to help them focus, concentrate and regulate emotions and to to help them build a foundation of holistic health and well-being for your kids.

1606-1607, One Island South, 2 Heung Yip Rd
2562 3688