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Hong Kong Tigers Ice Hockey

Hong Kong Tigers Ice Hockey is a ice hockey team.

Phone not listed

Multi-gym/studio monthly membership that gives members access to a variety of classes at many yoga, fitness studios and gyms across Asia including Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Auckland, Sydney, Seoul and Melbourne.

Kayak and Hike

Kayak and Hike offers boat rides, Kayaking, Snorkeling and hiking classes.

+852 9300 5197
Let’s Tango

Let's Tango is a dance studio offering Tango Dancing classes.

+852 9223 5629
Lights Out Boxing Gym

LIGHTS//OUT is an immersive experience driven by music and grounded in boxing. You will find elements of strength and conditioning, HIIT, AMRAPs, and pyramids throughout the classes. The playlists, the lights, the bags...everything is designed to move with you as you punch, jab, and sweat your way through 8 rounds of hard hitting fun. 

3/F Block C, Sea View Estate, 8 Watson Street
+852 2512 2262
Lights Out Hong Kong

LIGHTS//OUT is an immersive experience driven by music and grounded in boxing. You will find elements of strength and conditioning, Hiit, AMRAPs, and pyramids throughout the classes. The playlists, the lights, the bags... everything is designed to move with you as you punch, jab, and sweat your way through 8 rounds of hard hitting fun. 

3/F Block C, Sea View Estate, 8 Watson Street
+852 2512 2262
Lilly Ro

Australian designed and Hong Kong based, Lilly Ro is a luxury activewear brand for the fashionista. We are proud to have created a functional, fashionable activewear line that combines our love for fitness and all things luxe. Our elegant, classic designs are coupled with contemporary colors and quality hand picked fabrics, that have a luxury second skin feel. We're extending your yoga, fitness and gym wear to your everyday wardrobe, with superior fabrics and superb fits.

+852 9763 5372
LoveLifeHK – Charlotte Douglas

Charlotte Douglas offers both group and private yoga classes, either in the comfort of your own home or a studio nearby. Hatha yoga, as well as pre/post natal yoga classes, are available.

+852 6680 0340