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Tai-Pan Beer Co.

Importers and suppliers of a range of award winning craft Beers and ciders from Australia and the US. Brands include Batlow, Bridge Road, Stockade and Lexington Brewery. Home deliveries available.

出售一系列自澳洲和美國入口的得奬手工啤酒和蘋果酒,品牌包括Batlow、Bridge Road、Stockade和Lexington Brewery。提供送貨服務。

Phone Not Listed
Tasmania Fresh Foods

Imported Tasmanian vegetable baskets, smoked salmon, honey, cheese and wine available by online order.


+852 2555 0478

TeaCha offers a monthly specialty tea discovery subscription service. Each delivery includes 5 teas that are in-season and are sourced from all around the world and is accompanied by information about the various aspects of each tea including character, region, family, antioxidants profile, caffeine content and function.



Unit 3A, 285 Des Voeux Road
+852 8191 3311

Teapigs is a brand of specialty tea from the UK. Order directly through them online or find their teas at various supermarkets and specialty food shops in Hong Kong. Teapigs features green packaging which is either biodegradable or recyclable and all printing is done with vegetable based inks; the tea bags are completely biodegradable.



+852 3591 1044
Tenderloin Fine Food

Online retailer of wild fish & seafood, grass-fed meats, organic poultry including duck and turkey; they also stock wild-yeast wine and some Stephen James Organic products.

出售野生魚類、草飼肉食和有機家禽的網上零售商,亦有出售野生發酵的酒品和Stephen James Organic的產品。

2602 Universal Trade Centre, 3 Arbuthnot Road
+852 2877 2733
Terra Gourmet

Hong Kong distributor of Verival, an Austrian certified organic brand of cereals, granolas, porridges and grain-based snacks- a selection of their cereal products is available at Starbucks cafes throughout Hong Kong and Macau, as well as at CitySuper, ParknShop and Wing On stores.


Unit 1106-07, 11/F, Tower One, Harbour Centre, 1 Hok Cheung Street
852 5243 0806

Online retailer of artisanal French products with a large selection of deli meats, seafood, cheeses, pantry items, wines, dry goods and other groceries.


11 Lung Tak Street
+852 3590 8127
the Baker a

Artisanal bakery with a selection of loaf breads that uses natural yeast.  Catering available.  



115 Shanghai Street
+852 6501 1161