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Cocoparadise offers a line of artisanal coconut snacks including coconut jerky, coconut energy bars and coconut water. Order online.


Phone not listed
FITYO Protein Frozen Yogurt

FiYo a frozen yogurt business with a unique twist: protein frozen yogurt. Traditional frozen yogurt gives buyers a healthy alternative to ice cream, but protein frozen yogurt is our idea of an upgraded, even more health conscious type of frozen yogurt. Find them at Nature's Village or order on Facebook. 

出售特色冷凍乳酪:蛋白質冷凍乳酪,旨於提供比傳統乳酪更健康的乳酪產品,於Nature's Village有售,亦可於他們的Facebook主頁選購。

Phone not listed
Frederic Blondeel Chocolatier

Specialty artisanal bean to bar Belgian chocolates including truffles, ganache, bark and bars, with a range of chocolate bars made from cacao beans roasted lightly below 45 C. Shop online for delivery to your home or office.


+852 2954 0991

Frutodor is a weekly subscription service for fresh fruit grown around the world. You can also purchase specific fruits directly from their website.


Room 3410, Cable TV Tower
9 Hoi Shing Road
+852 2761 1100
Gourmandises de Cristal

Locally hand-made French candies and pastries including caramels, petit fours, Canelés, tarts, and cakes. Available online and at markets throughout Hong Kong.



+852 5415 2211

Subscription organic and natural snack boxes with children-friendly editions.


Phone not listed
Guilt Free Food

Snack box subscription and delivery company offering paleo and vegetarian snack boxes delivered weekly.


+852 5204 7448
Hakawa Chocolate

Bean to bar chocolatier: Hakawa sources certified organic bean from Sri Lanka and then dries, roasts and tempers the chocolate in Hong Kong. They stock chocolate bars, chocolate covered almonds & macademias, their housemade couverture and a whole menu of cacao drinks (including vegan milk options- almond or soy).

Shop1B, 49-51A Gough Street
+852 6163 3563