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Tennis Elite

Tennis Elite specializes in delivering full range of tennis coaching services exclusively to private residences in Hong Kong, providing customized tennis programmes based on individual goals and needs of every client. Their programmes cater to all ages and abilities, ranging from private lessons, adult clinics, junior group classes to tennis holiday retreats, social events. For more information, visit their website, email or call for bookings.

+852 6681 4478
SURF Hong Kong

SURF Hong Kong offers Kayaking and surfing classes.

Shop 4, Sai Wan Village, Tai Long Wan, Sai Kung East Country Park
+852 9091 3731
Stretch Koncept by Kaleb Choi

Fascial Stretch Therapy is a system of assisted stretching which focuses on the muscles, joints, and connective tissue. FST improves the mobility of your nerves & the flexibility of your muscles and fascia by focusing on the fascial lines that connect through and wrap around muscle, nerves, organs, and just about everything else in your body.
- One on one personal stretching session
- Group stretching class
- Posture adjustment

Room 18A, Redana Centre, 25 Yiu Wa Street
+852 9644 4771

A place where we share our love and passion for Pole Dancing.


Soccer360 is a fitness studio offering Archery Tag and indoor football classes.

Unit D6, 25/F, TML Tower, 3 Hoi Shing Road
+852 2789 3608
Slope Infinity Ski & Snowboard Training Center

Slope Infinity Ski & Snowboard Training Center offers skiing and snowboarding classes.

1/F, 148 Electric Road
+852 2107 4567
SFALO Soccer Stadium

SFALO Soccer Stadium offers indoor football classes.

398-402 Kwun Tong Road, 6 / F, Kawasaki Building
+852 2628 7878
SCAA Causeway Bay RFC

SCAA Causeway Bay RFC offers rugby classes.

So Kon Po Recreation Ground, 55 Caroline Hill Road
Phone not listed