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Fishpond HK

New Zealand based online shop (similar to Amazon) featuring a very large selection of products and categories with some organic and eco-friendly options. Categories include health, beauty, books, home, lifestyle, kitchen and baby. They stock many specialty items including resources and products for composting, organic cotton baby clothes, organic baby products, organic supplements, organic skincare, organic cotton feminine products, puppy food made with organic chicken, air purifiers, and eco-friendly makeup. Site is available in many languages.


Phone not listed

Mini-grocery/convenience store chain with frozen grass fed lamb and free range chicken as well as organic pantry items including condiments, sauces, pastas, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, spices and grains. For a list of their branches, click here.

+852 2825 2825
Healthy Living Asia

October 2015 Update: The magazine is no longer in print but the Facebook group is still active. 

Healthy Living Asia is a  bilingual (English & Cantonese) print magazine dedicated to health & wellness issues such as nutrition, fitness, holistic therapies and more. The magazine was started in 2015 by Laura Paul, founder of the Healthy Living Hong Kong Facebook group and is published three times a year. Contact via email for magazine copies.

亞洲健康生活是一本中英雙語雜誌,集中介紹健康生活資訊包括營養、健身、整體醫療等。此雜誌由亞洲健康生活Facebook主頁的辦立者Laura Paul創辦,每年出版三次,可透過電郵聯絡以得到雜誌資訊。

Phone not listed
Hebe Law Handmade Leather

Locally handcrafted leather bags and accessories made by designer Hebe Law.

由設計師Hebe Law本地手製的皮袋和飾物。

+852 9864 2252
Homie Cookies

Handmade cookies available online, at markets around Hong Kong, and at Elephant Grounds.


售賣自家製曲奇,除了網上商店之外,亦在Elephant Grounds及香港各市場發售。

Phone not listed
Honwal Healthy Agro Products Co. Ltd.

Focusing on local produce and meat, Honwal Healthy Agro Products also features organic mushrooms, organic jams, and local organic produce.  They also carry seafood certified by the Agriculture and Fisheries Department (AFCD) of Hong Kong Accredited Fish Farm (AFF) label.   Delivery is available, call to place an order.

+852 2479 1900
IN Magnolia Trading

Importer of Italian organic wines from the Piedmont region available for order online or via email.

+852 6446 8120

E-commerce platform for sustainable fashion, homewares and personal care brands; 10% of all profits go to local Hong Kong charity SoCO.


+852 5361 9587