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Cookies by Siuy

Handmade cookies made with with Traditional Chinese Medicine ingredients like goji berries and dried longan. The cookies are made using a combination of olive oil and butter, and with as little sugar as possible to ensure that the true flavours of the ingredients are brought out. Order by phone, Whatsapp, email or through Facebook.



+852 6490 2121
creative on board

Hong Kong based line of handmade fashion accessories including phone cases and jewellery.



Phone not listed
Do Cares Company

Handmade lip balms, jams, cheeseacake and cookies.


Phone not listed

Eartheries, the conscious marketplace, is an online marketplace curating ethical and sustainable products. From lifestyle, home and living, clothes, jewellery, accessories etc they have it all. Its unique search functionality lets you shop based on values; from pastic- free to locally made, from upcycled to fairtrade. A one-stop shop for your favourite conscious brands.

+852 5606 9425

Eco home & garden design consultancy including green interior design services and online shop featuring eco wall fabric systems and eco homeware products. They also offer bespoke eco furniture design services.


Phone not listed
Eight Zebras

Locally made and designed greeting cards inspired by origami and produced with soy ink and sustainably sourced materials such as post-consumer recycled fibres and  outer-packaging made from biodegradable film. Their selection includes letterpress gift tags, foil-stamped Christmas cards and modern Hong Kong postcards. Find them at G.O.D. stores around town. 



Phone not listed
Elements 14

Online electrical and electronic superstore which sells solar panels.


+852 2268 9888
Finger Shopping

E-commerce retailer with a wide variety of eco-friendly & locally made products. Large selection of toxin-free ecological personal care and home cleaning products including Bella Sapone, So...Soap! and French brand L'Arbre Vert. They also offer a well curated selection of fair trade gifts & accessories in their "Good Goods" section like rice husk coffee cups and kitchenware, recycled material purses, Eccuo cups and Fair Taste snacks. The site is mostly in Cantonese. 


出售多種環保及本地製產品的網上零售店,包括不含有毒物質的個人護理產品和家居清潔產品,部份是Bella Sapone和So...Soap的出品,亦有出售各種公平貿易商品。網頁內容大部分都是中文。

+852 29916688