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CS Vegan

CS Vegan, also known as Chi Sum Vegan, is an all-you-can-eat vegan buffet restaurant with 34 seats. It is run by the daughter of the lady who ran Buddhist Chi Sum Vegan in North Point (now closed). Their buffet is only HKD 68 per person.

又名為Chi Sum Vegan,是一間提供純素自助餐的餐廳,設有34個座位,每位收費HK$68。

1/F, Potek House, 9 Tsing Fung Street
+852 6680 9391 / +852 9629 0696
Fresca HK

Fresca serves healthy, vegetarian cafe food with an emphasis on sourcing local & organic ingredients, harvested daily from their own farm. They also have a takeaway salad bar selection.


54A Hollywood Road
+852 2770 2282
Gaia Veggie Shop

Vegetarian and vegan Chinese restaurant that is well-known for replicating meat & seafood dishes with vegetarian ingredients like their popular sushi rolls.


8/F, Goldmark, 502 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
+852 2808 1386
Gingko House

Chinese restaurant with dishes that use organic vegetables when possible. The vegetables are sourced from the LOHAS Organic Farm run by the same organization. Lunchbox delivery and a full range of catering options are also available. Ginko House is a social enterprise seeking to provide employment opportunities and skills education for the elderly in Hong Kong.

致力採用有機蔬菜的中式餐廳,使用來自LOHAS Organic Farm的蔬菜,提供午餐盒送貨服務和一系列到會服務。同時是一間社會企業,旨於為香港長者提供就業機會和技術指導。

No. 44 Gough Street
+852 2810 9211
Grassroots Pantry

Vegetarian and vegan gourmet cafe with close to 100% organic ingredients sourced locally where possible. Everything they serve is homemade including all sauces, jams and butters. They also feature raw vegan and gluten-free dishes and desserts. Read our full review.


108 Hollywood Road
+852 2873 3353
Green Veggie

Vegetarian private kitchen in Sheung Wan featuring Asian and Western dishes. Call for reservations.


Room A-B, 1/F, Finance Building, 254 Des Voeux Road Central
+852 2771 3260
Happy Veggies Wan Chai

Hong Kong's first non-profit social enterprise vegetarian restaurant supporting local farm produce and fair trade ingredients.

1 / F, Bayfield Building, 99 Hennessy Road
+852 2529 3338
Harmony Village Vegetarian

Chinese vegetarian and vegan restaurant.


11/F Jardine Center, 50 Jardine's Bazaar
2881 5698