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Eco friendly and sustainably made homewears and lifestyle accessories.


G/F, 14 Po Tuck St
+852 2858 0225

PhatRice is a Hong Kong-based e-commerce platform that curates and sells sustainably designed and made products: products for social good, products for environmental good and products with exceptional design creativity. Their products include apparel, accessories, gifts and homewares and feature local brands like Bez & Oho, MKU Originals and Emi & Eve.

出售可持續設計和製造的產品,旨於有利社會和環境,同時不失獨特創新的設計,亦有出售本地品牌產品如Bez & Oho 、MKU Originals 和Emi & Eve 。

Unit B, 23/F, 202 Des Voeux Rd. West
Phone not listed
Lady Garden HK

Lady Garden HK sells eco-friendly feminine hygiene and sanitary products such as the the Mooncup (UK) menstrual cup (they are the authorized distributor and only one of 2 companies to offer menstrual cups made without animal testing and additives) and handmade Lady Garden organic cotton menstrual pads.

Lady Garden HK我們主力推銷真環保安全女性衛生用品
- 月經杯 Lady Garden HK 英國 Mooncup 香港認可分銷 . 市場唯二無添加無動物測試
- 100%香港人工製造有機棉M巾

+852 6284 3354