Eco Christmas Cards Guide: 6 Ways To Green Your Seasons Greetings

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In the spirit of Christmas, many of us send and receive lots of cards with good wishes and season’s greetings. Sadly, this tradition can come at a big price for our planet. But there’s no need to fret- we came up with 6 ways you can sustainably participate in the meaningful activity of sending cards this holiday season.

1. Ever Thought Of An E-Card?

Source: PxHere

We all have gotten these cards in our email inboxes before, and we know they aren’t anybody’s favourite. But before you scoff at the idea, e-cards are truly a waste-free way to send your warmest greetings. You can even build it yourself to send over a funny photo. It doesn’t have to be lame at all – and maybe you’ll be the one to make this eco card cool again. 

2. Reuse Old Cards

Source: Identity Force

You must have a stash of old cards lying somewhere. Many of us have a few dusty cards lying around, and while these might seem a bit off-trend to be put to use this year, remember that the message counts more than the design! Speak from the heart and no one will care that your card was made in 2002. 

3. In-Person Card Replacement 

Source: Fotolia

Another excuse to hang out with your friends? Maybe. Might seem lame, but organise a casual “card shindig” with your pals – make the meet-up all about sharing your greetings in person sans cards. 

4. Make Your Own Recycled Cards

Source: Getty Images

Time for a little arts and crafts! Gather up old newspapers, magazines, paper bags and even the used loo roll. Cut them into different sizes, layer them, doodle on top of them. Get creative to make some zero-waste, unique, upcycled Christmas cards! 

5. Gift & Card 2-In-1

Source: Suburban Mum

If you’re already getting your loved ones an (conscious and low-waste) gift, why not combine your message with the gift? You can simply write your message on top of your (eco-friendly) gift wrap, or tell them in person when you exchange presents. 

6. Choose Eco-Friendly & Local Greeting Cards 

Source: Paper Culture

If you must buy, there are many companies now offering more environmentally responsible festive card options. Paper Culture, for instance, plants a tree with every order and is made from 100% post-consumer recycled paper. Try searching in local grassroots stores too, which might stock unique designs from independent artists too – it will minimise the environmental footprint of shipping and make a positive social impact on the community too. Great Hong Kong-based options include Paper-Roses and the Lion Rock Press.

Bonus Last Tip: many charities and NGOs print a collection of holiday greeting cards in order to help raise funds for good causes- contact your favourite do-good organisation and show your support- we love the ones from Animals Asia and the e-card collection from WWF Hong Kong.

Lead image courtesy of Green People Company.


  • Sally Ho

    Sally Ho is Green Queen's former resident writer and lead reporter. Passionate about the environment, social issues and health, she is always looking into the latest climate stories in Hong Kong and beyond. A long-time vegan, she also hopes to promote healthy and plant-based lifestyle choices in Asia. Sally has a background in Politics and International Relations from her studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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