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Sustainable Fest HK

Sustainable Fest hosts an eco-friendly festival in Hong Kong, collaborating with various environmentally-friendly and community organizations all over the city including SPCA, local farms and music groups, to provide fun activities promoting healthy and sustainable lifestyles. They just held their last festival in April 2016.

Phone not listed
Tai Tong Organic Valley Ecopark (formerly Lychee Valley)

Tai Tong Lychee Valley offers a range of farm-friendly activities: you can pick your own organic vegetables and fruits, feed the farm animals, ride horses, catch fish, have a BBQ and attend agricultural & outdoorsy workshops. Open daily, HKD 20 admissions fee. Well known for their organic strawberry picking.


+852 2470 2201
Tennis Elite

Tennis Elite specializes in delivering full range of tennis coaching services exclusively to private residences in Hong Kong, providing customized tennis programmes based on individual goals and needs of every client. Their programmes cater to all ages and abilities, ranging from private lessons, adult clinics, junior group classes to tennis holiday retreats, social events. For more information, visit their website, email or call for bookings.

+852 6681 4478
The Green Hub & Eat Well Canteen

The Green Hub is an eco-friendly recreational centre that provides educational courses, workshops and community events using the facilities of the Old Tai Po Police Station. They are run by Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG) under the Hong Kong government. Their Eat Well Canteen and cooking classes also promote healthy and sustainable eating using locally-sourced ingredients.

11 Wan Tau Kok Lane
+852 2996 2800
The Green Race HK

The Green Race is an environmental running race incorporating road & trail running showcasing Hong Kong's natural beauty. The race organizers are dedicated to the preservation and sustainability of the environment, with everything from your race packs to the shirts on your back, sustainably sourced.

The Green Race brings you its maiden Hong Kong race! The maiden race will take place on the 9th of January 2016 from Braemer Hill. Various routes are on offer depending on experience level and you can run solo or in a team.

5% of race registration fees go towards our charity HK Clean Up.

+852 6778 7314
The HKFYG Organic Farm

Large USDA certified organic farm run the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups with various eco-friendly attractions and activities. Weekly local organic produce delivery.


1 Family Walk, Ho Pui Reservoir, Pat Heung
+852 2838 4808
The Little Gym of Hong Kong

The Little Gym offers programs focused on developing motor skills in children. Programs include gymnastics and music and are for children from 4 months to  12 years.  They also host birthday parties.

Suite 601, 6th Floor, World Commerce Centre, Harbour City
+852 2368 8777
Tsui Farm Strawberry Garden

Local organic strawberry farm.

Sing Ping Village, Ta Kau Ling
Phone not listed