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Clara Yeung Skincare

Locally handmade skincare line using non-toxic, natural ingredients; Clara makes masks, creams, deodorant, soaps and more. The most extensive full-service beauty, skincare & personal care line of products in Hong Kong.


Phone not listed
Connectural Logo

Connectural (Connect to Natural) aims to promote healthy lifestyle. We encourage customers to choose natural and organic products such as skin care, cosmetics or food. All the brands in our shop have been chosen carefully! We make sure you won't regret after using it!

Shop B7, G/F, 308-312 Lockhart Road
+852 6890 0306
Delightfully Green

Delightfully Green is a one-stop resource guide for eco-friendly products and services. Their mission is to empower and educate the Hong Kong community to live a healthy, simple living today while reducing waste and creating a better future. Every product is tested by the company's own team and used by them personally. All orders include free shipping within Hong Kong; for international shipping please check with us. They offer items like Karma organic non-toxic nail products, reusable baby pads, reusable cotton pads, soapnuts for laundry and plastic-free toothbrushes. Delightfully Green also stocks ecobibi's washable pads and Lily cups available at our website. 


Phone not listed

Detox-me.asia provides solutions for some of the most common health related problems Hong Kong people are facing right now. Built to service a clinical clientele, the website sells organic bone broths for gut health, CBD oils and EMF harmonising products alongside advice to help transition to healthier lifestyle habits

Phone Not Listed
DYY Homespun Handmade Soap

Handmade cold processed soap and skincare products.  Available at markets throughout Hong Kong.



Phone not listed

Unpretentious skincare for those who wish to make their planet greener and skin healthier. Earth Loving Soap Co offers handcrafted Cold Processed Soaps, Body Scrubs and Soothing Salves, all made with oodles of love in Hong Kong. Free of synthethic colours, fragrances, preservatives and harsh chemicals. All our products are cruelty-free, tested only on willing & loving Friends and Family. Available for purchase on our Facebook Shop.

19 Chi Shin Street
+852 6718 2591

Eartheries, the conscious marketplace, is an online marketplace curating ethical and sustainable products. From lifestyle, home and living, clothes, jewellery, accessories etc they have it all. Its unique search functionality lets you shop based on values; from pastic- free to locally made, from upcycled to fairtrade. A one-stop shop for your favourite conscious brands.

+852 5606 9425
Eco Tan HK

Eco-tan is a Australian organic skincare brand with products made without any toxic or synthetic ingredients.  Their organic self tanner made with cacao powder is very popular. Nature And The City/Sparadise is the official distributor for all of Eco-Tan's products in Hong Kong including the self tanner, the exfoliant, the deodorant and the body wash, the sunscreen and the body wash.



+852 5962 2236