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Ekowarehouse is the world's first Global B2B eMarketplace for certified green/organic/fair trade/ecolabel products & materials, connecting buyers and suppliers across the supply chain from farmers, producers and manufacturers to wholesalers, retailers and brand creators.

Ekowarehouse是全球首個國際B2B(公司對公司)的網上買賣市場,專門針對有認可證明的綠色 / 有機 / 公平貿易 / 有環保標籤的產品和物料,同時聯繫買賣家和供應鏈,當中包括農夫、生產商、製造商、批發商、零售商和商標創作者。


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Encompass HK

Encompass HK is a social enterprise that offers training and consultancy services to educate and support organizations to be more diversified and inclusive, and meeting global standards on Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). Encompass HK serves the community by supporting a variety of social causes and NGOs through a collaborative model when delivering SDG programs. We commit to reinvesting at least 60% of the net profits made to achieve our social mission.

Encompass HK 為企業提供培訓和顧問服務,幫助企業實踐多元共融 (D&I) 的工作環境,協助機構達到有關的可持續發展目標 (SDGs) 等國際標準。我們為企業、機構和學校度身設計各種方案,活動包括體驗式學習工作坊及戲劇工作坊等,以推動性別平等及可持續發展的目標。

20/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road
+852 3686 0790
Gift Love Company Limited

Gift Love is a Hong Kong-based online platform for ethical, fair trade and charity-minded gifts which creates a bond between the gift giver and the recipient through the uniqueness of a meaningful gift, as well as connecting them with other people that benefit from the purchase of the gift.

+852 9690 4440

Hong Kong branch of Givology, a social enterprise dedicated to promoting education globally.


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GMT Foods

Hong Kong representative of artisanal British food brands in Hong Kong specializing in small batch and homemade food products including Meat Snacks Group, English Tea Shop and Godminster.



+852 6647 2292
Green Concepts

Green Concepts offers one of the largest selections of health & organic products in Hong Kong with over two thousand items ranging from fresh organic fruits and vegetables and locally made whole-grain organic bread to magnetic mattresses and water purifiers, as well as supplements and groceries. You can order online or visit their shops.


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Green Drinks HK

Green Drinks HK, the Hong Kong Chapter of the internationally renouned Green Drinks is an informal monthly opportunity for anyone interested in CSR, social/environmental justice, sustainable development etc to meet, chat and network.

是國際組織Green Drinks的香港支部,為任何對企業社會責任、社會及環境公義、可持續發展概念有興趣的人士提供每月一次進行面談和建立網絡的機會。

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Healthy Living Asia

October 2015 Update: The magazine is no longer in print but the Facebook group is still active. 

Healthy Living Asia is a  bilingual (English & Cantonese) print magazine dedicated to health & wellness issues such as nutrition, fitness, holistic therapies and more. The magazine was started in 2015 by Laura Paul, founder of the Healthy Living Hong Kong Facebook group and is published three times a year. Contact via email for magazine copies.

亞洲健康生活是一本中英雙語雜誌,集中介紹健康生活資訊包括營養、健身、整體醫療等。此雜誌由亞洲健康生活Facebook主頁的辦立者Laura Paul創辦,每年出版三次,可透過電郵聯絡以得到雜誌資訊。

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