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Youth Outreach

Youth Outreach aims at supporting at-risk youth to grow through programmes focused on supporting youth and helping young people find themselves. They carry out programmes such as the All-Night Outreaching Team and Youth Employment Start-up Program.


2 Holy Cross Path
+852 2384 3531
Changing Young Lives Foundation

The Changing Young Lives Foundation works to change the lives of underprivileged children in Hong Kong.



Pak Tin Estate Block 10, Units 1-14, G/F
+852 2511 0505
End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation

The End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation is a charity founded in 1998 with the aim to protect people under 18 from sexual abuse.

Unit 1-12, G / F, Nam Tai House, Nam Shan Estate
+852 2889 9922
Pathfinders Hong Kong

Pathfinders Hong Kong works to protect migrant children born in Hong Kong.


Pathfinders Hong Kong致力於保護在港出生的移居者子女。


Unit 2D, Worldwide Centre, 123 Tung Chau Street
+852 5190 4886
The Hub Hong Kong

Children's charity offering food, clothing and support for homeless and disadvantaged youth.


1/F, Greenrich Mansion, 100 Castle Peak Road
+852 2720 5211
Crossroads Foundation

Crossroads Foundation is a charity that recycles donated used furniture & goods from homes and businesses by sending them to communities in need across the world such as orphanages.

2 Castle Peak Road
+852 2984 9309