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The Kitchen Faerie

The Kitchen Faerie offers healthy, vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free friendly cake recipes. They specialise in birthday cakes.

Caine Road
+852 9688 6329
zz Earth Balls (Closed)

100% vegan, gluten-free, refined sugar-free, paleo, nut-free, and soy-free snack balls available for online order. 


+852 6084 6655
Pantry Bread & Pastries

Pantry Bread & Pastries is a bakery offering sugar free cookies, cakes and cupcakes. Gluten-free cakes and cookies are also available upon request.


G/F, 24 Hau Wong Road
+852 2577 3939
What Kitty Made

Refined-sugar free baked goods made with organic fruits and vegetables available for online order and delivery at your home or office- their speciality is muffins.

+852 9706 7071