Veteran Hong Kong TCM Manufacturer Launches First Ever Herbal Wellness Pet Brand

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Wai Yuen Tong, an established Chinese medicine manufacturer in Hong Kong, has recently developed a new line of herbal wellness supplements for pets. Called ProVet, the brand’s supplements are designed by cats and dogs and are made of 100% natural plant ingredients known to promote health and well-being according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Collaborating with Hong Kong animal charity SPCA, a portion of the proceeds from sales through the organisation will go towards funding shelters for abandoned animals in the city. 

Launched last month, ProVet is a new brand developed by 123-year-old Chinese medicine company Wai Yuen Tong and partnering veterinary teams from the Canine Rehabilitation Institute and the Chi Institute of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM). 

All its supplements contain 100% natural plant ingredients such as cordyceps, shiitake mushrooms, longan fruit and lingzhi mushrooms that are known to promote wellness and immune-functioning in TCM, encased in pet-friendly vegetarian capsules.

“Our ProVet story is simple: bridging my love for animals with the concept of generating wellness through the healing properties of Chinese remedies,” said Vivian Tang, founder of ProVet and executive director of the family business Wai Yuen Tong.

“Pet supplements aren’t one-size-fits-all. We wanted to focus on making tailored pet supplements for all ages and conditions,” she added. 

In collaboration with SPCA, who will be selling ProVet’s products on its website and in-person store centres, each sale via the organisation will see HK$20 donated towards projects to new shelters and providing care for abandoned animals. 

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[🎊好消息📣! 「位您寵」已於SPCA愛護動物協會🐶🐱上架] 現凡於SPCA愛護動物協會購買「位您寵」任何一樽產品, 位元堂即捐港幣$20 💰 給SPCA 為弱小動物出一份力,守護毛孩的身心健康, 幫助牠們找到舒適温暧的家🏡。 全港首個由中獸醫研發的寵物中式保健品,8款產品針對貓狗不同年齡的健康需要。為毛孩提供合適的保健品,有助延緩衰老,保持活力,維持最佳健康狀態🙌。 #位您寵 #寵牠精靈活潑一輩子 #中獸醫 #中式寵物保健 #寵物中醫 #貓中藥 #狗中藥 #毛孩 #純天然中藥 #無添加防腐劑 #香港製造 #愛護動物協會 [🎊Good news📣! ProVet has officially launched at SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) 🐶🐱!] Now, when you buy any ProVet product at SPCA, ProVet will donate HK$20 💰 to SPCA to fund shelters for abandoned animals as a promise to keep all four-legged pets safe and sound🏡! ProVet is the first herbal pet supplement brand developed by a Chinese veterinarian, with a range of 8 products tailored to the health needs and ages of cats and dogs. Our products can help your fur babies delay aging, maintain vitality and promote optimal health 🙌. #Provet_hk #madeinHK #Chineseveterinarian #Nopreservatives #Nopigment #petsillness #aging #Immunesystem #Natural #Chinesemedicine #Pets #PetSupplements #SPCA #donate @spcahk

A post shared by ProVet 位您寵 (@provet_hk) on

ProVet’s products will also be available on the brand’s website and in select Wai Yuen Tong stores, as well as through e-commerce site HKTVMall.

The launch of the brand comes amid the coronavirus pandemic, which has dramatically increased consumer attention towards health and wellness – for both humans and animals. With the trend towards natural and plant-based products already growing strong over the past years, it is unsurprising for some to see the rise of wellness-focused products such as TCM remedies enter the global pet care industry, which is set to grow to a whopping US$203 billion market by 2025. 

Earlier this month, Malaysian pet food and supplies retailer Pet Lovers Centre (PLC) recently opened its first pharmacy for pets called Vet Pharmacy, which caters exclusively for pets to find the right supplements, care products and personalised medical guidance for pets, another show of the stepping up that the pet care industry is seeing amid the pandemic.

Lead image courtesy of ProVet / designed by Green Queen Media. 


  • Sally Ho

    Sally Ho is Green Queen's former resident writer and lead reporter. Passionate about the environment, social issues and health, she is always looking into the latest climate stories in Hong Kong and beyond. A long-time vegan, she also hopes to promote healthy and plant-based lifestyle choices in Asia. Sally has a background in Politics and International Relations from her studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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