11 Ways To Not Feel Bored When You’re Stuck At Home During Covid-19

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We’re all practicing social distancing right now, which is sensible given that there is a coronavirus pandemic. At the time of writing, Covid-19 has already infected almost 250,000 people and killed over 10,000 people globally, making it pretty vital that we take all the precautions we can to prevent it from spreading and to be safe and healthy. This inevitably means spending much more time at home than we’re normally used to, and you’re not alone if you’re running out of ideas about what to do to keep occupied. To help you out, here are 10 ideas to keep yourself entertained indoors. 

1. Listen to the radio 

You’ve probably watched a ton of Netflix and browsed through too many Youtube videos by now to keep count. But we’re betting that you haven’t tried the radio yet in this digital age. Yes, if you still happen to have one of those ancient machines lying around, turn it on and tune in for a listen – you might stumble upon something you fancy. Alternatively, resort to a digital radio station to play on your laptop or a mobile device. 

2. Try cooking something difficult 

You have time, and nowhere to be, right? So find a recipe that you’ve always wanted to cook up, but never bothered to because “it would take too long” or because it is “too difficult”. Now, it looks like you might just be able to try to challenge yourself culinarily. Sourdough baking, anyone? 

Check out Green Queen’s Recipes

3. Read all of those books you’ve been meaning to 

Grab your long list of books that you were meant to have read before 2018, and get to work. Now’s the time to do all that reading before you ditch the age-old activity again for late-night drinks after normal life resumes. 

4. Get on the phone

No, not texting, emailing or Zoom-ing. When was the last time you dialled the number of your relatives and friends who live abroad (or in the same city)? Give them a call – ask them how they are, what they’ve been up to while they are social distancing, and talk about life. 

5. Snuggle with your pet (if you have one)

If you have a pet at home, spend some time with them! It’s almost guaranteed that they are enjoying having you around more often (unless you have a very grumpy cat) and make sure they feel loved. 

6. Catch up on your sleep 

How many times have you wished you went to bed earlier and managed to get your full 8 hours worth of Zs? Since most of your evening plans have gone out the window by now, why not retreat to your den a bit earlier and actually do what you set out in your new year’s resolutions. 

7. Take a mindful walk

Go out – no one said that you need to always be stuck at home indoors. Choose a time when it tends to be less crowded, and go for a nice walk outside to breathe some fresh air. Your body will thank you for it. 

8. Listen to albums from start to finish

We don’t get to do this often so seize the opportunity. Pick out your all-time favourite music album, and just listen to it from the beginning to end. Let’s hope your neighbours don’t mind, especially if this turns into a full-blown karaoke set. 

9. Pickle everything 

Turn fresh produce into pickles! This is also very much a social distancing-friendly activity, especially if you want to avoid bustling trips to the grocery store every other day. Cucumbers, red onions, cabbage – the choices are endless. 

10. Clean your apartment

Especially those bits that you always turn a blind eye to. That dusty corner behind your desk, the top of your wardrobe, underneath your bathroom sink, the individual shelves inside your fridge, every photo frame – you get the gist. When you think that you’re done, reorganise all your cabinets and drawers too. 

11. Grow a houseplant

It’s time to get your fingers green! Germinate a bean or a seed from your favourite fruit. Transfer into soil when the roots grow in, and feel proud of yourself for becoming a parent to a newborn indoor plant.

Read our earlier coverage of Covid-19 and tips on prevention here.

Lead image courtesy of Unsplash


  • Sally Ho

    Sally Ho is Green Queen's former resident writer and lead reporter. Passionate about the environment, social issues and health, she is always looking into the latest climate stories in Hong Kong and beyond. A long-time vegan, she also hopes to promote healthy and plant-based lifestyle choices in Asia. Sally has a background in Politics and International Relations from her studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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