7 Ways To Reset This January For A Happier & Healthier You In 2020

4 Mins Read

So the holidays are over, all your festive duties have been fulfilled, and 2020 has rolled around. The new year is always a great time to take some time out and reflect on the highs and lows of the year before, and prepare a plan to tackle the next 12 months head on without compromising on your health and wellness. If you went a little off track towards the end of last year, it’s okay – you now have the opportunity to press reset. Below are eight easy tips and suggestions that you can follow to help you devise a foolproof plan this January. 

1. Let go of clutter 

We’re not just talking about physical clutter, but mental, emotional and body clutter too. From clearing out your email inbox (and sorting through all the categories) to reevaluating your online subscriptions and reflecting on who brings positive energy into your life, it’s time to let go of the rest of it that you’ve clung on to for too long. Check out Green Queen’s decluttering guide to help you out!

2. Revamp your pantry 

Source: Getty Images

Many of us choose the new year as the time to start healthier habits. You are what you eat, so it’s important that your kitchen is filled with plant-based whole food ingredients to make it easy to whip up colourful, hearty and healthy dishes. Number one – keep more whole plant ingredients, and less meat, dairy and over-processed foods in your kitchen! If you’ve signed up for Veganuary, we have a list of vegan food staples to stock your pantries up with – many of which can be bought in packaging-free bulk stores. So it’s a total win for your health, and the planet’s too.

3. Make an effort to recharge 

It’s easy to get caught up in the bustle of the city and forget to give ourselves the time we need to rejuvenate and restart each day with energy. Make an effort this year to focus on letting yourself recharge, whether it is 10 minutes each evening to meditate, or starting an unwinding activity earlier in the evening, or getting enough sleep each night.

4. Get journaling to reflect

Source: Pexels

You might not be able to take 20 minutes out of every single day, but even one hour-long session this January might help you reflect on the highs and lows you experienced last year. Identifying what went well and what didn’t go so well is an important step to take to come up with a better approach for this year – and it’s crucial that you get a mix of both positives and negatives. Give yourself credit for what you were proud of doing, as well as what you wish you had accomplished! This way, you can come up with a short list of 3 things you want to keep doing, and 3 things you ought to change. 

5. Come up with your word/motto of the year

Once you’re done with your reflecting, choose a word or motto to encapsulate what you want to work on for 2020! Whether it’s something about being healthier, more environmentally friendly or purposeful – it’s all up to you!

6. Fight your fears 

Source: Pixabay

Is there a new hobby you’d like to pick up but you’re worried about what other people will think? Challenge yourself! Shake off your fears and start step by step to conquer it courageously this year. Maybe you’ll find a brand new passion that will last for your lifetime, or be able to meet some seriously awesome people along the way!

7. Prioritise your time

We all get so busy during the year, making it easy to fall off track. Think about all your commitments, activities and people you want to see. Before your to-do list piles up, make sure you have your priorities clearly outlined so when you do get the chance, you know exactly what you want to spend your spare time doing!

Lead image courtesy PxHere.


  • Sally Ho

    Sally Ho is Green Queen's former resident writer and lead reporter. Passionate about the environment, social issues and health, she is always looking into the latest climate stories in Hong Kong and beyond. A long-time vegan, she also hopes to promote healthy and plant-based lifestyle choices in Asia. Sally has a background in Politics and International Relations from her studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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