Beauty Brand Izzy Unveils 100% Reusable, Zero Waste & Carbon-Neutral Mascara

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Beauty Brand Izzy has recently launched what it claims as the “world’s first zero-waste mascara” as the company regrinds and melts down the applicators and wipers after use to make new ones, and even the water that collects from the triple cleaning process is reused rather than unneccesarly releasing it into the oceans.

New York-based Izzy unveiled its first product, a zero-waste mascara that is vegan-friendly and is based on a subscription service, where every three months, a new mascara is sent directly to consumers in a reusable shipper made out of upcycled materials and the empty ones can be returned in these mailers.

Once the used mascaras are sent received by the company, it medically cleans, refills and ships the new ones out to the next consumer and as a result, each mascara can be subjected to 10,000+ quarterly cycles of cleaning and reuse meaning the mascara you receive today, could be used for the next 60 generations or even more.

According to data, over 120 billion units of packaging are produced globally every year by the cosmetics industry, which is responsible for the loss of over 18 million acres of forests annually which is equivalent to half the size of New York and over three and a half times the size of New Jersey.

To provide a cleaner and safer world for her daughter, industry veteran Shannon Goldberg founded a beauty brand that eliminates waste completely. In addition, the mascara tube is developed out of 100% recyclable medical-grade stainless steel and has 94% less plastic compared to conventional mascaras to promote a plastic-free world given that data predicts that less than 20% of all plastic is recycled globally resulting into 96 billion units of packaging from this industry ending up in landfills and oceans.

In a press release seen by Green Queen, Goldberg said: “As a millennial mom, I wanted to provide my daughter with truly sustainable beauty options, ones that would go beyond the standards of the current clean movement. By 2050, the oceans are projected to contain more plastic than fish. If we want to give our children a fighting chance tomorrow, then we need to do something radical about reversing this cycle today.”

Goldberg added that “Izzy is more than just effecting change. It’s about doing the right thing and looking beautiful doing it!”

By 2050, the oceans are projected to contain more plastic than fish. If we want to give our children a fighting chance tomorrow, then we need to do something radical about reversing this cycle today

Shannon Goldberg, founder, Izzy

In addition, it is one of the few beauty products that have fulfilled the criteria given by The CarbonNeutral Protocol, which has certified the mascara as carbon-neutral. Izzy plans to donate a portion of its profits to three foundations – the National Forest Foundation, which deals in forest conservation and responsible recreation practices; Her Justice, which gives free legal counsel to women in poverty; and Pencils of Promise, that works to make education accessible in developing-world countries.

Apart from being sustainable, Izzy’s mascara formula that consists of microfibres has a high-fidelity Wave Brush for applications that consists of a dip to prevent any mess and refrain from caking or clumping when applied on your lashes. The mascara’s quarterly membership is priced at US$35 for a starter kit plus a US$19 charged every quarter for quarterly refills.

Read: Want To Live A Zero Waste Life? Here Are 85 Tips, Suggestions & Ideas To Quit Waste For Good

Lead image courtesy of Izzy.


  • Tanuvi Joe

    Born and bred in India and dedicated to the cause of sustainability, Tanuvi Joe believes in the power of storytelling. Through her travels and conversations with people, she raises awareness and provides her readers with innovative ways to align themselves towards a kinder way of living that does more good than harm to the planet. Tanuvi has a background in Journalism, Tourism, and Sustainability, and in her free time, this plant parent surrounds herself with books and rants away on her blog Ruffling Wings.

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