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Just Climb

Just Climb is a fitness studio offering indoor climbing classes.

Room D, G/F, Prince Industrial Building,706 Prince Edward Road East
+852 3020 1756

Multi-gym/studio monthly membership that gives members access to a variety of classes at many yoga, fitness studios and gyms across Asia including Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Auckland, Sydney, Seoul and Melbourne.

Kayak and Hike

Kayak and Hike offers boat rides, Kayaking, Snorkeling and hiking classes.

+852 9300 5197
KickAss Pilates Fitness Boutique

KickAss Pilates Fitness Boutique is a fitness studio offeirng Zumba and pilates classes.

1801, 18/F Glenealy Tower, 1 Gleneal
+852 9230 1749
KickBoxing Fitness

KickBoxing Fitness is a fitness studio offering Muay Thai, Kick Boxing, yoga and Karate classes.

Flat B8, 13/F, Block B, Mai Hing Industrial Building, 16-18 Hing Yip Street
+852 9283 4377
Kim Ip Professional Thai Boxing Fitness

Kim Ip Professional Thai Boxing Fitness offers Muay Thai classes.

Unit D, 16/F, Yue Cheung Centre, 1-3 Wong Chuk Yeung Street
+852 2813 6884
Kinetic Stretch Causeway Bay

Kinetic Stretch is fitness studio offering sliming fitness and stretching classes.

Room 2002, 20th Floor, No. 22 Yee Wo Street
+852 2721 0016
Kinetic Stretch Tsim Sha Tsui

Kinetic Stretch is fitness studio offering sliming fitness and stretching classes.

6th floor When Fiscal Commercial Building, 3-3A Humphreys Road
+852 3488 2455