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Wendy Lam Holistic Physiotherapy

Wendy is a holistic physiotherapist offering Physiotherapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Integrative Manual Therapy and Acupuncture services to help patients with acute and chronic musculoskeletal pains, sports injuries, spinal dysfunctions, headaches, fatigue, pre- and post-natal concerns, as well as stress and emotional issues. She also treats infants and children with conditions ranging from developmental and learning disorders, ADHD/ADD, Autism, posture and growth issues, sleeping problems, irregular head-shape amongst others.

Central Minds, 8/F, VC House, 4-6 On Lan Street
+852 2813 6108
Younibody Causeway Bay

YouniBody offers top registered dieticians, naturopaths, health coaches, bioresonance therapy, precision lab testing, personalised nutrition plans and professional grade supplements. Envision forward thinking healthcare, where health testing becomes convenient and simple. Where prevention of diseases trumps curing it. By eliminating the guesswork, our mission is to curate the best possible holistic healthcare, fitness and nutrition plans for you.

4/F, Elizabeth House, 250-254 Gloucester Road
+852 2345 6789
Younibody Central

YouniBody offers top registered dieticians, naturopaths, health coaches, bioresonance therapy, precision lab testing, personalised nutrition plans and professional grade supplements. Envision forward thinking healthcare, where health testing becomes convenient and simple. Where prevention of diseases trumps curing it.

By eliminating the guesswork, our mission is to curate the best possible holistic healthcare, fitness and nutrition plans for you.

139 Queen’s Road, 11th – 16th F, L. Place
+852 2345 6789
Younibody Wan Chai

YouniBody offers top registered dieticians, naturopaths, health coaches, bioresonance therapy, precision lab testing, personalised nutrition plans and professional grade supplements. Envision forward thinking healthcare, where health testing becomes convenient and simple. Where prevention of diseases trumps curing it. By eliminating the guesswork, our mission is to curate the best possible holistic healthcare, fitness and nutrition plans for you.

2/F, Kin Lee Building, 9-13A O’Brien Road
+852 2345 6789
Zero Gravity Flotation Spa

Spa that provides private flotation tanks for sensory deprivation therapy.

29 Sing Woo Road
+852 2180 9192
zz Baby Spa Mid-Levels (Closed)

Baby Spa providing exercise tubs and baby massage using organic massage oils. They use environmentally friendly and baby safeozone disinfection to clean their tubs, a high powered air filter, and they use organic cleaners. BPA and phthalate free floats are available. Some products are available for purchase including artisanal bath salts.

124 Caine Road
+852 5119 2674
Losari Coffee Plantation (Indonesia)

Wellness retreat and spa focused on healthy eating, clean living and emotional well-being amidst Javanese volcanoes.


Grabag PO BOX 108 Magelang 56100
+62 298 596333
Atlas Chinese Medicine & Physiotherapy Centre

Health centre offering services in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Physiotherapy, specialized in treating sport injuries, pediatric cases and gynecological issues.

Flat 01, 22/F, The Righteous Centre, 585 Nathan Road
+852 2386 6388