Ricky Gervais, Brian May & Other Leading Voices Pen Letter To U.K. Government To Demand Fur Sales Ban

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Several celebrities including Brian May and Ricky Gervais came together to call on U.K.’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson to ban the use and sale of fur through a letter that demands that the government ‘fully support those charities calling for a #FurFreeBritain’.

Joining forces with animal protection organisation Humane Society International UK that is leading the #FurFreeBritain campaign in collaboration with other animal charities such as PETA and the RSPCA, several celebrities penned a letter to the British Government urging them to put a ban on real animal fur.

Celebrities that have signed the letter include Judi Dench, Brian May CBE, Leona Lewis, Gary Lineker OBE, James Arthur, Thandie Newton OBE, Alesha Dixon, Ricky Gervais, Mollie King, and Dame Twiggy Lawson.

According to the Humane Society, over 100 million animals are killed for their fur every year including mink, fox, raccoon dog, chinchilla, and rabbit meaning three animals are dying every second, just for fur.

Following is an excerpt from the letter. “It’s shocking to know that in fur farms and traps around the world, more than 100 million animals suffer and die every year for the frivolous fur trade, including for fur sold here in the UK.”

The letter further states: “The UK imports fur from Poland, China, Finland, and beyond, where countless investigations have revealed the terrible suffering endured by these animals. Their blood is on our hands for as long as Britain is open for business with the fur trade. The British public agrees. Polls show that 72% of Brits support a ban on the sale of fur. And, 93% of the population reject wearing fur altogether. Now that Britain has left the European Union’s single market, your government has the opportunity and authority to introduce a fur sales ban. Please act now to make Britain the first country in the world to ban the sale of fur, and call time on a cruel and outdated trade that has no place in any civilised society in the 21st century.”

Source: furfreebritain.uk

Polls show that 72% of Brits support a ban on the sale of fur. And, 93% of the population reject wearing fur altogether. Now that Britain has left the European Union’s single market, your government has the opportunity and authority to introduce a fur sales ban. Please act now to make Britain the first country in the world to ban the sale of fur, and call time on a cruel and outdated trade that has no place in any civilised society in the 21st century

Since 2003, fur farming has been banned across the U.K. and recently, the government in Hungary declared a ban on the farming of animals for fur including mink and foxes. France had also planned to phase out mink farms by 2025.

Comedian, actor, and director Ricky Gervais said that banning the sale of fur in the U.K. doesn’t even require debate. “It’s a no brainer. Should the UK be selling fur from animals who have been anally electrocuted, gassed to death, beaten to death, and may even have had COVID-19? No, it shouldn’t, let’s get the ban done.”

Director of Peta UK, Elisa Allen highlighted the overwhelming majority of British people that oppose the fur trade. “The same trade in which animals are gassed, electrocuted, and even skinned alive. We’re calling on the government to seize this opportunity to take a stand against needless cruelty and be a world leader by creating a fur-free Britain.”

According to a YouGov opinion poll, 93% of the British population avoid wearing real animal fur, and the majority (72%) support a ban on the sale of fur in the U.K.

Singer-songwriter Alesha Dixon added: “Britain’s decision two decades ago to ban fur farming, has been an inspiration to numerous other countries that have followed our compassionate lead. But for as long as we allow fur to be sold in UK shops from animals who have suffered overseas. The UK is still responsible for fur cruelty. So now it’s time for us to show world leadership once again by banning fur sales. Britain’s got compassion, and with a fur sales ban we have the power to stop animals suffering for fashion.”

Additionally, the campaign has garnered cross-party political support from 140 MPs who have signed Early Day Motion 267 against real fur imports.

Executive director of Humane Society International/UK Fur, Claire Bass said that the trade is cruel and unnecessary, and, a fur sales ban would command support from the vast majority of the public, politicians, designers, and retailers. “This letter from some of the country’s top celebrities proudly backing a ban on fur cruelty sends a clear message to Boris Johnson. Britain must no longer be an accomplice in the suffering of millions of animals for frivolous fur fashion. When the selling stops, the suffering will too.”

For their fur, minks that are small mammals are particularly exploited in the fashion and apparel industry as well as in the cosmetics industry, notably for false eyelashes

In over 400 mink fur farms across 100 countries, minks have been infected with COVID-19 resulting in mass culls, and when it comes to zoonotic disease spread, mink fur farms are hubs for coronaviruses and by breeding and killing mink for their fur is responsible for causing the world’s mass biodiversity crisis

Read the letter in full here and the British public can support the campaign by signing the petition at www.furfreebritain.uk.

Lead image courtesy of Humane Society International – UK.


  • Tanuvi Joe

    Born and bred in India and dedicated to the cause of sustainability, Tanuvi Joe believes in the power of storytelling. Through her travels and conversations with people, she raises awareness and provides her readers with innovative ways to align themselves towards a kinder way of living that does more good than harm to the planet. Tanuvi has a background in Journalism, Tourism, and Sustainability, and in her free time, this plant parent surrounds herself with books and rants away on her blog Ruffling Wings.

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