4 Online Courses for a Better Planet: From Sustainability to Plant-Based Nutrition

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Our world is facing many challenges, from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic to climate change. But scientists and experts agree that our social, environmental and health issues are all interrelated, and it is now more important than ever before that we need to prioritise sustainability in our approach to make the world a better, kinder and greener place.

One of the crucial ways that we can each make a difference is education – learning about the ways we can transform everything we do, from what we put on our plate to how we consume. Interested? We’ve compiled a list of online courses that you can take to retrain in sustainability so you can marry passion and profession going forward. 

1. Plant-Based Diet – eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition Online Certification Program

The Plant-Based Nutrition online certification program created by eCornell, Cornell University’s online education department, focuses on the research behind plant-based nutrition and also examines practical steps to apply learnings in your everyday life and conversations with others. Through three two-week courses developed by over 20 health and medical experts and based on Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s lectures and academic studies, the program emphasises how a plant-based diet is optimal for health. Plus, we know that plant-based diets leave a far lighter footprint on the environment too, making it optimal for sustaining our planet. 

Want to know more? Read a first-hand account from a graduate of the course here.

Source: Adobe Stock

2. Eco Fashion – Sustainable Fashion Academy Online Training Course

The Sustainable Fashion Academy (SFA) is a Stockholm-based nonprofit educational organisation dedicated to promoting and training individuals in the realm of sustainable fashion and apparel. There are a number of courses SFA offers, including tailored online courses for people from all sectors, from students to policymakers, freelancers and brand employees and even sourcing specialists. You can enquire about the online training courses that SFA offers here

Source: Ecotextile

3. Environmental Management -Harvard University Professional Graduate Certificate in Sustainability

Harvard University’s professional graduate certificate in Sustainability helps is all about effective sustainability and environmental management solutions. There are five certificate courses that you’ll take in total for the program, which have to be completed within 3 years, with topics ranging from learning about renewable energy systems and the issues that new transport technologies face, to energy-efficient food production and supply chain management. By the end of the program, students will be able to apply their knowledge to their specific focus area, whether it be environmental economics or green building design, and implement sustainability management solutions. 

4. Green Finance – Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) Green and Sustainable Finance Certificate

The Green and Sustainable Finance Certificate was launched by London-based CISI as the world’s first global benchmark qualification for the fast-growing green finance sector. The course is updated this year to encompass even more perspectives on sustainability, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and targets all individuals, firms and global audiences who are interested in the science behind climate change and the role of the financial system, climate-related financial risks and how we ought to put sustainability at the heart of finance through frameworks and principles. There are no entry requirements for the certification, which can be studied through CISI’s digital resources at your own pace and is assessed through a final 1-hour online exam. 

Lead image courtesy of Unsplash.


  • Sally Ho

    Sally Ho is Green Queen's former resident writer and lead reporter. Passionate about the environment, social issues and health, she is always looking into the latest climate stories in Hong Kong and beyond. A long-time vegan, she also hopes to promote healthy and plant-based lifestyle choices in Asia. Sally has a background in Politics and International Relations from her studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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