TEDxTinHau Countdown To Present Climate Solution Ideas To Hong Kong

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TEDxTinHau, the only TEDx event dedicated to women in Hong Kong, is presenting Countdown, a global campaign aimed at accelerating climate solutions, to the city this October. The event will see a number of speakers share their unique perspectives and ideas on how to help create a safer, cleaner and more ethical future for Hong Kong and the planet. 

Taking place on Saturday, October 17 this year, TEDxTinHau Countdown will zone in on five key areas of climate action. From nature, energy and transportation to food and materials, these are identified as key spaces in Hong Kong where action will lead to the biggest impact for planetary and human health. Over the course of the event, six speakers will explore their ideas on how we ought to champion and speed up solutions to our climate and ecological emergency. 

The speakers that will feature at TEDxTinHau Countdown include young climate activist and solo student striker Lance Lau, writer and artist/activist Tanja Wessels, sustainability catalyst at DBS Ollie Haas and renowned plant-based chef Peggy Chan, formerly of Grassroots Pantry and Nectar, Jonathan Cybulski, a historical ecologist and National Geographic explorer, and Keilem Ng, founder of charities Eco Marine and Exchange and Empower will also be speaking at the event. 

To make progress on climate action we need to collaborate on a global scale, and every community has an important role to play.


As Hong Kong continues to respond and adapt to the coronavirus crisis, TEDxTinHau Countdown represents a relevant launchpad for the city to exchange ideas and reprioritise on a sustainable recovery. The ongoing pandemic is a stark reminder that the Earth’s many ecosystems are interrelated and that there is no protecting humankind without protecting nature

A number of socially-distanced community activities and planet-friendly lunches will also be held alongside TEDxTinHau Countdown in order to inspire, engage and educate the community and drive action to reach the goal of halving our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 if we are to successfully bring about a zero-carbon world.  

If we fail to take the climate crisis seriously and continue our business-as-usual approach, the world is destined to see global temperatures rise by over 3 degrees Celsius, which scientists have warned will spell disaster for billions, many of whom live in Asia. A recent study found that over one-third of the global population will live in temperatures too hot to survive if we do not curb carbon emissions immediately. 

“To make progress on climate action we need to collaborate on a global scale, and every community has an important role to play,” the event organisers wrote. 

Ticketing information for the event will soon be released, with the most up-to-date information available via the TEDxTinHau Countdown Facebook event page

Lead image courtesy of Unsplash.


  • Sally Ho

    Sally Ho is Green Queen's former resident writer and lead reporter. Passionate about the environment, social issues and health, she is always looking into the latest climate stories in Hong Kong and beyond. A long-time vegan, she also hopes to promote healthy and plant-based lifestyle choices in Asia. Sally has a background in Politics and International Relations from her studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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