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Wide online selection of beers and ciders, including organic varieties, available for delivery. Wholesale ordering available. 



+852 2553 3765
Beers R Us

Craft beer members' club specializing in West Coast American craft beers.


Phone not listed
Biltong Chief

Biltong Cheif makes South African biltong, a dried cured meat. It is made using South African grassfed beef, lamb and game that is air-dried.


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Body Awakening

Body Awakening offers online order detox cleanse DIY kits designed by a holistic nutritionist and based on superfoods. They have have a range of nutritional supplements including probiotic powder, greens powder, omega-3 oils.


Phone not listed
Bonyuba Granola Bars

Handmade artisan granola bars from Malaysia made with natural Halal ingredients and farm fresh eggs- with delivery to Hong Kong. Order online.


+60 12 204 1507
Bottle Shock

Bottle Shock is a dynamic new wine merchant specialising in small producer/artisan wines from around the world. They work with growers who value their land and often farm organically or biodynamically and who, in the winery, focus on making their wines as naturally as possible. Their range spans growers in France, Spain, South Africa and the USA and include some of the most exciting young winemakers in those regions. In Hong Kong, they supply a number of top restaurants including Rhoda, Lung King Heen, Aberdeen St. Social, Cassio and more. Through their website, you have the chance to drink these same restaurant quality wines at home.


+852 6088 6820
Bread Elements

Locally produced wholesale handmade artisanal breads & baked goods.





+852 3996 8570
Cacao HK: Guilt-Free Chocolates

Cacao is a family run business, deeply committed to taste, quality, environmental friendliness and ethical sourcing.

Why do our chocolates taste so good?

We grind high quality, single origin, Fino de Aroma cocoa nibs to make our own fresh, additive-free chocolate, then fashion it into individual chocolates. Because we use freshly-made chocolate you get to taste the full flavour of the chocolate, before some of the more volatile flavours dissipate.

We take the same care with the quality and provenance of the ingredients used for the fillings. For example our ginger ganache is made with ginger powder and candied ginger. To ensure the highest quality and the best taste we make both ourselves, from fresh young ginger. Young ginger has more taste, with less “heat”.

Why is our chocolate “guilt-free”?

To us, “guilt free” is not about calorie intake but about bigger issues. It means not supporting the exploitation of children, and minimizing environmental harm.

Most chocolate contains cocoa from West Africa, where child slave labour is commonly used on plantations. (When chocolate is labelled as coming from a non-tropical country, this refers to the country of processing not to the origin of the cocoa). Our cocoa comes from Columbia, from where there are no reports of child slave labour on cocoa plantations.

Where possible, we buy our ingredients in the country of origin to ensure profits stay in that country.

Cocoa farms can cause deforestation. Our supplier is committed to deforestation-free cocoa. We buy arenga sugar (production of arenga sugar promotes reforestation) from Masarang, an  NGO that focuses on conservation, helping to protect and re-grow the Indonesian rainforest (in fact we donate a portion of our sales proceeds to them) and our packaging is plastic-free, minimal and recyclable.

So you can just enjoy!

+852 9780 7360