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Working with social enterprises based in South America, we farm our own organic superfoods: quinoa, royal quinoa, maca, chia, stevia, etc. We wholesale/retail around the world.


Room 903, 9/F, Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Road
+852 2868 3339

Nutrigaya is a brand of natural supplements based on Ayurvedic traditions and ingredients like moringa and ashwaghanda.


Phone not listed
Nutrilicious LOGO

Nutrilicious is a nutrition consultancy directed by Michelle Lau, Registered Nutritionist (MSc.) & Nutrition Educator. Our areas of specialty are sports nutrition, weight management, maternal nutrition, culinary nutrition, strategic nutrition communication and project planning. We offer a range of services to the food, healthcare, education, media and hospitality industries plus their agencies.
If you’d like further information about the consulting services of Michelle Lau and Nutrilicious, we would be pleased to discuss our credentials or showcase our portfolio. And for writing commissions, media interviews or briefings please feel free to contact us.
Michelle Lau是Nutrilicious專業營養顧問中心的創辦人兼首席營養師 ,同時亦擔任多個專業機構的營養顧問及健康計畫顧問。她的專項為運動營養、 體重控制、產前產後體適能和婦女健康等。

Nutrition Kitchen

Healthy and nutrition-focused meal delivery service tailored for fitness goals with high-protein, low-carb and reduced calorie options. For more information, read our full review.


+852 9813 8697
Nutrition Nation

Nutrition Nation was founded by certified nutritionists Tanja Guigon-Rech and Dilal Ranasinghe to provide education and support to those who are committed to healthy living through nutrition and fitness.

Their specialties include post pregnancy weight loss, sports nutrition, weight gain, muscle gain, food intolerance, nutritional optimisation and general nutrition.

Nutrition Nation offers monthly packages that include weekly interactive Q&A sessions, chat sessions with their in-house nutritionists, access to health tips, recipes and a host of content about lifestyle, nutrition and fitness. They can also create bespoke plans to cater to specific dietary and lifestyle needs.

提供與營養和健美相關的教學及支援,包括增重、肌肉鍛鍊、一般營養供應等等。Nutrition Nation每月提供服務套餐,內容包括互動問答環節和健康餐單。

Room 1003, Yu Yuet Lai Building, 43 - 55 Wyndham Street
Phone not listed

US-based online superstore for nuts, dried fruit, chocolates, seeds, spices, grains, coffees, teas, gifts and more. Organic, gluten-free, fair trade, bulk and wholesale options are available and they ship to Hong Kong.


+1 908 523 0333
Nutsy Coffee Bar

Australian-style coffee bar.


Shop 6B, G/F, Hoi Kwong Court, 13-15 Hoi Kwong Street
Phone not listed
Nutty Buddy Artisanal Nut Butters

Artisanal nut butters.


+852 6084 6655