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Vegan, fair trade and organic cafe with tea, coffee and cakes, as well as a small food menu. Their food menu is vegan though they do sell non-vegan items in their shop.

Shop A, 192 Hollywood Road
+852 6352 0553

Sustainably manufactured and toxin-free beds, mattresses and furniture.

2601-2603, 26/F Horizon Plaza, 2 Lee Wing Street
+852 2870 1132
Okra Japanese Bar

Japanese restaurant with seasonal fare, omakase style and a bar that serves organic sake and shochu. See our full review here.


G/F, 110 Queen's Road West
+852 2806 1038
Olanda International CBD Hong Kong

Olanda International was founded with a vision to help urban people to regain their health by promoting a series of herbal remedies. Hong Kong is world known as a fast-paced city, people usually lead a busy life with stress and other living concerns where there are little ways to ease physical and mental stress.
We strive to promote and popularize the medicinal use of plants as it has been long used by our ancestors as an effective way of healing. Now with the aid of the advancement of modern technology in combination with herbal knowledge, we can offer a greater range of natural remedies to our customers - such as CBD.


Room R 2/F Haribest Industrial Building, 45 - 47 Au Pui Wan Street
+852 7071 3523
Olive Leaf

Israeli Chef Ayelet Idan offers vegetarian cookery lessons in Mediterranean foods, she also has a range of artisanal Israeli/Middle Eastern food products like tahini paste, spices and date syrup, as well as some homemade foods she produces herself like hummus and other dips that she retails at markets around town and on order.

由以色列主廚Ayelet Idan提供的素食地中海菜烹飪班,亦出售一系列手工以色列/中東食品如芝麻醬、香料、椰棗糖漿等,並出售自家製的鷹嘴豆泥和其他醬料。

+852 9273 0459
Olive Tree Hong Kong

Olive Tree Hong Kong is an online retail shop offering a variety of Greek artisan products including raw honey, organic herbs, organic olive oil soap and sea salt.  They offer a home delivery service every Thursday.


Phone not listed
Olivers Delicatessen

High-end supermarket with wild seafood, organic meat & poultry, organic produce, organic grocery items, dairy alternatives and eco-friendly home care products.


Shop 201-205, 2/F Prince's Building, 10 Chater Road
+852 2810 7710
Olympia Graeco Egyptian Coffee

Local coffee roastery that has been in business since the 1927- they offer specialty roasting equipment, coffee utensils and accessories and freshly roasted arabica beans, ground to order.


24 Old Bailey Street
+852 2522 4653