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Pet A Porter

Online pet shop offering food, snacks, toys and other pet accessories with natural and organic brands. They also have a regular delivery service for pet food.


+852 2827 8822
Pet Pet Organic

Specialty online retailer for everything organic for pets.


+852 2156 3992

PETA Asia-Pacific, an affiliate of PETA US, is dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals.


+63 2 817 5292
Petisserie Bakery For Pets

Petisserie Hong Kong specializes in making healthy food for pets. Their homemade products contain no preservatives or additives and ingredients are organic where possible. Email or call for orders. 

Petisserie Hong Kong專門為寵物製作健康食品,其自家製產品不含任何防腐劑或添加劑,並致力採用有機食材,可透過電郵或致電訂購。

+852 9159 1235
Petit Bazaar Central

Huge selection of ethical, fair trade and toxin-free safe baby & kids toys, accessories, stationary, clothing, games, furniture, gifts and party products.

9 Gough Street
+852 2544 2255
Petit Bazaar Wan Chai

Huge selection of ethical, fair trade and toxin-free safe baby & kids toys, accessories, stationary, clothing, games, furniture, gifts and party products.

80 Queen's Road East
+852 2528 0229
Petit Tippi

Online retail shop for organic and eco-friendly baby products. Specializing in cloth diapers and cloth diaper accessories they also stock items such as washable bamboo nursing pads and organic cotton wipes. Brands include Apple Cheeks and CharlieBanana.

網上零售店,出售有機和環保嬰兒用品,專營布製尿片及配件,並出售可水洗竹製護理墊和有機棉製抹布,品牌包括Apple Cheeks和CharlieBanana。

Phone not listed

Online pet retailer with organic & eco-friendly pet food and accessories.


5/F, 37 Village Terrace
Phone not listed