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CityFit is a fitness studio offering personal training.

Whole Floor 15/F, Malahon Centre, 10-12 Stanley Street
+852 9227 7596

Aquaponics farm with educational programs throughout Hong Kong.


Kong Tau Tsuen
+852 6235 8649

High-end supermarket with wild seafood, organic meat & poultry, organic produce, organic grocery items, dairy alternatives and eco-friendly home care products.


IFC Mall Level 1
+852 2234 7128
CK Bed

Online selection of natural fiber bedding, pillows and mattresses at wholesale prices. Includes certified chemical free fabrics, natural latex and charcoal options.


+852 2429 9397
Clara Yeung Skincare

Locally handmade skincare line using non-toxic, natural ingredients; Clara makes masks, creams, deodorant, soaps and more. The most extensive full-service beauty, skincare & personal care line of products in Hong Kong.


Phone not listed

Clarity is a line of energy beverages from New Zealand. They are free from preservatives and artificial sweeteners and do contain caffeine.


+852 2915 8800
Class Cruiser (Closed)

Multi-gym/studio monthly membership that gives members access to a variety of classes at many yoga, fitness studios and gyms across Hong Kong.

Phone not listed
Clean Air Network

Clean Air Network Limited is a Hong Kong NGO that encourages citizens to speak out about the health impacts of air pollution


Rm A, 2nd Floor, The Standard Chartered Bank Building, 102-106 Queen
+852 39710106